Thanks Scott. I do want the 20 fpe version.
For the money these top-flights command, they ought to look and shoot great out of the box. I decided to go back to my original selection and went with the FWB 800X FT long barrel at 15 ft lbs, it has the looks and the adjustments I'm looking for straight out of the box, and I haven't been able to find a single complain regarding its performance or reliability.
I own the AA FTP900, it's a fantastic piece of kit, easily almost a single hole at 25 yards all day long straight out of the box. I guess I'll find out what the 800X made of when it gets here in a few days, up against my benchmark FTP900.
Plenty of guns shoot great out of the box at much less cost than any of the guns mentioned in this thread - it doesn't make a lot of sense to me to spend the money for the top flight then turn around and send it to tuner, many seems to be cosmetic enhancements - something go wrong down the road, the manufacture will not honor the warranty or be able to supply parts, you have no where to go but back to the tuner and he might or might not be around. I'm not bashing tuning, I have no doubt the tuner will probably get you that .01% you're looking for but it's just too much hassle to deal with for me.