Fwb 90 electronic trigger

there are no electronic parts for these i checked years ago and if the battery doesn't solve the problem, well you could be in trouble
now i would check the battery if you have a multimeter before buying a battery, if you have a multimeter
the wires mat the battery are stiff and i would say fragile
if the battery has been in there so long that is has rutted away and destroyed the holder, that is another problem
on a UK forum i have read there was someone to fix the board but that is in the UK and hard to say how that would help
anyone that has board repair experience could fix it but find that person is the problem
the batteries are also on Amazon
the only other pair that could be bad is the solenoid but not likely
buying an untested FWB90 is a real gamble
One of my Mod. 90's was a non-working pistol. Got it real cheap because of that. Turned out that someone had the brilliant idea of lubricating the solenoid many years ago. Over time the lubricant dried out and the solenoid got stuck. Just check that the solenoid moves freely and without any resistance. The solenoid must be clean and without any lubricants to work properly. If you're lucky the problem is just that. The solenoid is an absolute pain to pick out and clean without cutting the wires, but it is doable. Or if your not an zealous collector, just cut the wires and solder the wires when the cleaning is done.
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batteries are not hard to find Amazon and Ebay have them
I know, it was meant as a tip for those of us that don't live in USA or central EU. I'm located in Norway, and it's actually both faster and cheaper to get the adaptor (which includes 10x LR54 when bought) and then get new LR54 batteries when the equipped ones are worn out.
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well not paying attention to where you are in the world made me look to see what i could find close to Norway and it was little
but what i did find i posted
us in the states and even the UK have an easy time to find bits and pieces and forget that others do not have such convinence
but that 15 volt battery is use for different thinks, more than i thought
be well