FWB FWB P8x vs. Baikal IZH 46M

So I derailed the thread about an FWB 65 with a brief discussion on other target pistols. Thought I'd give this it's own thread. I'm fascinated with the accuracy of the 10 meter pistols (and those that wield them as intended, off-hand), I recently got a great deal on an FWB P8x. Already had the Baikal. And a Crosman 1701P. All are great in my short (15 ft) garage range, wanted to try a true 10 meter test so took my two most accurate outside for a death match ;-). To my eye (too lazy to measure ctc and make it scientific) the P8x wins by a small margin. Based on engineering quality and fit, finish, and trigger, I thought the P8x would be a runaway winner but not so...Cheers! Rick
So I derailed the thread about an FWB 65 with a brief discussion on other target pistols. Thought I'd give this it's own thread. I'm fascinated with the accuracy of the 10 meter pistols (and those that wield them as intended, off-hand), I recently got a great deal on an FWB P8x. Already had the Baikal. And a Crosman 1701P. All are great in my short (15 ft) garage range, wanted to try a true 10 meter test so took my two most accurate outside for a death match ;-). To my eye (too lazy to measure ctc and make it scientific) the P8x wins by a small margin. Based on engineering quality and fit, finish, and trigger, I thought the P8x would be a runaway winner but not so...Cheers! Rick
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Nice shooting with both off hand @ 10 meters / 32.8084 feet.
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Nice shooting with both off hand @ 10 meters / 32.8084 feet.
Not off hand! Notice the small tripod in the photo, every shot was front rested. Was trying to see which was more accurate, not how much I suck at off-hand 10 meter pistol shooting, which is already well established ;-).
Not off hand! Notice the small tripod in the photo, every shot was front rested. Was trying to see which was more accurate, not how much I suck at off-hand 10 meter pistol shooting, which is already well established ;-).
I think that holds true for most of us. I get most of my enjoyment shooting at reactive targets. I have 4 pieces of nylon cord of different lengths hanging on an old sawhorse, small S hooks on the end of the cord and I clip old soda cans on and make them jump.
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Strictly off hand speaking, I think both pistols are quite inherently accurate. Where the Izzy falls behind is ergonomics. It is heavier and more awkward to shoot. You have to break your grip every shot to re-cock. The P8X grip is much better out of the box. I would think you would be able to shoot the P8X more consistently. Once again I’m speaking of offhand shooting.

I shoot pistols exclusively offhand with a 2 hand hold at 10M and 25 yards. I do not have a P8X but shoot a Steyr LP50 and an IZH 46M, both with red dots. I shoot the Steyr a little better than the Izzy, but not much, mostly because I shoot the Steyr more.

Need to add that the Izzy trigger is the best of all my pistols.
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Shot this target with the Izzy today, first one at 25 yards. Shot a couple a little better with the Steyrs. Anyway, I don’t think it’s the pistol that’s holding me back :).

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Off hand at 25 yards, that's impressive, I'll have try that sometime but I'll need a bigger target ;-)
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Try using a rear rest along with the front rest next time. I think a "true" test is constrained by the shooter and the ammo and I mention that not as an insult because both those pistols should have every group touching at 10M, "if fully rested on bags".
Take it even a step further and mount RD's.

All that being said I sold my Morini 160E because there was no way I could shoot that pistol to it's full potential offhand and I didn't need two Olympic match pistols. I can't even shoot my Steyr LP5 to it's potential off hand even though it's marginally less precise at 10M, like CTC .1's for the Morini and .2's for the LP5. The LP5 is a lot more fun though on steel.
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