5 shot groups @ 26yds, from left, AA 7.33, Crosman Pointed ( 3 shots ), AA 7.9 & AA 8.4gr 4.51. A thumb tack for size comparison
5 shot groups at 50yds. The first group I very lightly held the rifle and obviously the FWB did not like that so I switched to my normal hold for shooting this rifle from the bench. From left, AA 7.33, AA 7.9, AA 8.4gr 4.51 & a re-do of the AA 7.33gr
1978 FWB 300S ( 256XXX ), Leupold 3-9X33 EFR in a BKL-288 elevation adjustable mount
5 shot groups at 50yds. The first group I very lightly held the rifle and obviously the FWB did not like that so I switched to my normal hold for shooting this rifle from the bench. From left, AA 7.33, AA 7.9, AA 8.4gr 4.51 & a re-do of the AA 7.33gr
1978 FWB 300S ( 256XXX ), Leupold 3-9X33 EFR in a BKL-288 elevation adjustable mount