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FX .22 700mm Superior Heavy and slugs?


Nov 18, 2020
I'm trying to narrow down slugs that do well in this setup before purchasing any.
I've been tuning over a chrony with some older NSA .218's to 58 fpe which seems about where I want to be power wise for 100 yards.
But I was wondering what others have tried that work well for similar FPE (50 to 70 fpe) in a .22 700mm Heavy liner?
I've seen a few recommendations like H&N HP II .218 30 gr, and others meant for the standard liner in .21
But I am looking for the .218 options for the heavy liner. Any help would be appreciated! :love:
It's all trial and error. I wish these FX Liners would shoot 1" groups at 300 yards no matter what brand/weight slug one can feed. Seems we are locked in to what the liner likes or doesn't. Been down that road like many before, just have to try different weights and brands.

I've had suggestions about a NSA 34.9 .218 slug shooting 1007fps like a laser. Just didn't work with my liner. But what did was a Javelin .218 26gr. Sub moa at 100 going 1011fps. But, that is only my air gun and will differ in others.

Since you know .218 is your go to, then stay that route. NSA 32-38gr are some good and inexpensive slugs as well as H&N. Patriot Javelins are expensive but work great if you find the right one. When you purchase a boat load of slugs, test them at different speeds. Power wheel 12-16, or 4-Max as seems fit. Not every slug needs max speed of 1050 to work. Good luck. Report back what works.
First you need to slug your liner, and if you cannot find the amo you better go with resize.
Just because one liner in lower states use a xyz slug the best that is not necessary your best in upper states... the temperature, humidity and atmospherics different.
Second, different twist rate liners require different speeds.
And you go from here. Buy a box of each slug weights and diameter, and this how the game starts ;)
First you need to slug your liner, and if you cannot find the amo you better go with resize.
Just because one liner in lower states use a xyz slug the best that is not necessary your best in upper states... the temperature, humidity and atmospherics different.
Second, different twist rate liners require different speeds.
And you go from here. Buy a box of each slug weights and diameter, and this how the game starts ;)
I haven't slugged it yet but it looks like .218 is the right way to go out to 50 anyway.
Don't be feeling around in the dark trying this slug or that slug. Turn on the light by slugging your barrel then buy slugs that are .001-.002 larger then size them to.0005 to .001 larger than the groove diameter. This isn't something I came up with. It's what roachcreek has told me and also has posted numerous times. The man has been casting and sizing slugs for over 50 years.
Don't be feeling around in the dark trying this slug or that slug. Turn on the light by slugging your barrel then buy slugs that are .001-.002 larger then size them to.0005 to .001 larger than the groove diameter. This isn't something I came up with. It's what roachcreek has told me and also has posted numerous times. The man has been casting and sizing slugs for over 50 years.
I have slugged many normal diameter barrels. These FX liners don't look even barely sturdy enough for me (me) to slug. I would be kind of surprised if the liners are much out of spec with each other as they are not made the same way as traditional barrels which can vary quite a bit. But if the barrel was an actual barrel that didn't need all sorts of things to keep it stiff like carbon fiber, o-rings, tensioners.. I would have already slugged it. I'm sure others have slugged fx "liners" but I don't trust myself to not bend it.
I have several liners in .22 and .25 but different lengths, I slug them and measured with micrometer - in microns not inches. Yes, a families are all consistent dimensions in forth digit.... the STX, the Superiors, the Superior Heavies. The difference is the length and choke tightness only.
These FX CNC machines are good.
Опитвам се да стесня охлювите, които се справят добре в тази настройка, преди да купя такава.
Настройвам chrony с някои по-стари NSA .218 до 58 fpe, което изглежда горе-долу където искам да бъде мъдър за 100 ярда.
Но се чудех какво са опитвали други, което работи добре за подобен FPE (50 до 70 fpe) в .22 700 mm Heavy liner?
Виждал съм няколко предложения като H&N HP II .218 30 gr и други, предназначени за стандартната гилза в .21
Но аз търся опциите .218 за тежкия лайнер. Всяка помощ ще бъде оценена!:любов:

I'm trying to narrow down slugs that do well in this setup before purchasing any.
I've been tuning over a chrony with some older NSA .218's to 58 fpe which seems about where I want to be power wise for 100 yards.
But I was wondering what others have tried that work well for similar FPE (50 to 70 fpe) in a .22 700mm Heavy liner?
I've seen a few recommendations like H&N HP II .218 30 gr, and others meant for the standard liner in .21
But I am looking for the .218 options for the heavy liner. Any help would be appreciated! :love:
Здравей колега. Аз също ползвам хеви лайнер 700 мм 22 кал но е поставен на Маверик. Стрелям 31.2 нса с 290 м/сек със много добро групиране, също и ХН. 218 30 грейна. В момента стрелям с 32 грейна слъг който се произвежда от приятел в Турция, засилвам го с 300 м/сек и резултатите са страхотни. Прикачената снимка е гонг 15х15 см на 225 метра, група 5 изстрела и 2 флаера.

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Здравей колега. Аз също ползвам хеви лайнер 700 мм 22 кал но е поставен на Маверик. Стрелям 31.2 нса с 290 м/сек със много добро групиране, също и ХН. 218 30 грейна. В момента стрелям с 32 грейна слъг който се произвежда от приятел в Турция, засилвам го с 300 м/сек и резултатите са страхотни. Прикачената снимка е гонг 15х15 см на 225 метра, група 5 изстрела и 2 флаера.

View attachment 425110
Това е наистина добра група! Все още не съм успял да тествам охлювите NSA 28.5, но би било хубаво да има такива групи на такива разстояния! Подозирам обаче, че може да се нуждая от по-тежък охлюв като този, който използвате
Това е наистина добра група! Все още не съм успял да тествам охлювите NSA 28.5, но би било хубаво да има такива групи на такива разстояния! Подозирам обаче, че може да се нуждая от по-тежък охлюв като този, който използвате
Не винаги по-тежкия слъг дава по-добра групираност на големи разстояния, но в случая при мен 31-32 грейна са по-добре от 38 грейна Zan slug
Не винаги по-тежкия слъг дава по-добра групираност на големи разстояния, но в случая при мен 31-32 грейна са по-добре от 38 грейна Zan slug
Е, надявам се 28 и 28,5 Gr плужеци да работят, тъй като имам доста
Сигурен съм че ще успееш да ги накарал да летят и групират добре, въпроса е с каква скорост и мощност ще се случи това ;)
Настроил съм ги за 961 фута в секунда 292,9 mps, така че се надявам да е добре. Получавам много снимки с наистина добро екстремно разпространение и при тази мелодия.