FX .22 cal Wildcat, New, to clean or not to clean

When I saw the video my heart has bleeds! :(
Bronze brushes makes by powder burners sense but not by airguns!
Bronze is indeed softer than the Barrel steel but with the time it is damaged it anyway.
Notice: “Constant dripping wears away the stone” 

FX barrels are smooth to 95% and do not have to cleaned.
More smooth the barrel and cleaner the pellet the less you have to clean!
The Pellet material also make a difference. 

The best way to clean a airgun barrel is in my eyes is to pull 1-2 patch with oil (Ballistol, WD40) through the barrel, and 2-4 dry afterward as in Ted Video.
As pull wire should one use plastic (fishing cord).
I just received my Wildcat .22 a few days ago. I'm still tweaking and getting to know it. I know they say, no need to clean the smooth twist barrels, BUT, my tight groupings, all of a sudden, went to a 2" spread. The gun has probably between 100 and 200 rounds through it.
I decided to clean it, and it was filthy. It took 5 or 6 patches, with a few drops of oil on them, to come clean. Next 8 shots were touching each other, problem solved. Just my .02 cents!