FX FX Airgun or NOT

I find it always interesting how if people have a problem with an FX it's always "user error" but can never just be the guns themselves. Just because your FXs haven't had issues, one can't deny the issues of many others that have had them and only answer is it has to just be the user's issues not the guns.

I did a thread about the most consistently accurate guns people owned and there were ZERO votes for the Impact out of many people chiming in on their best reliable guns. There were a few Crowns and Royales/Boss, Dreamlines, and maybe 1 Panthera and Maverick but that was it. Not near as many FXs as I thought there would be.

My vote is get a good used gun. Taipans, Crickets, AGTs, BRKs all can be had well under $2000 and are good guns for the money. Very reliable also.
Wildcats the bomb! What barrel length do you have.
It is 600 or 700. It's like an inch longer than the air tube. Literally drove 1.5hr yesterday evening to trade for it lol awaiting some ammo to come in so I can enjoy it a bit, as well as the 3d printer to finish a moderator. He had it tuned already but I couldn't talk him out of the Ronin that was on it
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I understand that FX makes variety of gun for variety of users.

FX Impact and similar other easily tunable models sometimes create issues for the users due to their lack of knowledge.

Impact appears to be a tuners gun. Extremely versatile.

But for others the latest model of FX is very simple in design and does not need an extra ordinary user to get maximum out of it

So I understand that the buyer should select the model as per his capabilities and need of use.

I own a snowpeak m16 bottle gun in 25 caliber. It's accurate and collecting dust. Goes to say,I'm not knocking budget guns just when you have ones that are made better and shoot better,feel better in your hand and up to your shoulder,that tends to be the one everybody picks up and shoots.
I am the opposite. I have a Caiman X that is accurate and I prefer to shoot my much less expensive P35s. I like their shape and weight better and the best of them is just as accurate as the Caiman. It's nice we have so many choices.
im a gun guy, so im just getting into the airguns really. marauder was first one, did a trade of an old ar i had for a bullmaster, its fun to shoot too and cheap lol. got that wildcat the other day, waiting on scope and ammo to show up today sometime and ill be out there sighting it long as the rain holds off
I went to a local indoor range to shoot some pistol, and they had a Vortec sparc red dot on sale, I put it on my Wildcat and am amazed how accurate it is. At 30 yards Im getting dime size groups and out to 50-60 I'm hitting empty pellet tins I have hanging in a tree. The dot is 2moa.
mine came from a guy in south carolina. he is very much into the pcp scene with some high dollar guns, has it tuned and everything. im awaiting an el cheapo scope, buddy wants to do 100+ yard shooting tho so if it doesnt cut it, i have a zeiss im not using on a 308
I just noticed you got the W/C from Ken at SPAW.(y) I know its a tack driver now!
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For the O.P.: Utah Airguns currently has a couple of FX DRS's listed in .22 cal with 500mm barrel and synthetic stock for $850.

Maybe he could get a more expensive gun for bench shooting, without paying the 'more expensive' price?

I have or have had airguns from almost every brand. I've had multiple problem-free FX's, and yet I've had some problematic Daystates. (And yes, I've had issues with some FX guns too). No brand is perfect and other than a couple of the cheaper brands, I wouldn't shy away from any of them.
Hi Guys,
I just have a quick question, I own a lot of $300-$800 airguns from Avenger, JTS , Benjamin,etc mostly .22 and a few .25
I have always looked for bargin guns cause I never could shell out a lot of $ on a gun.
What I found is almost all the bargin guns function about the same. some good some not as good.
I would love to get a gun that is accurate and has power at 50 and 100yrds
I am NOW looking at spending a little more $ and getting an FX.
My question is Do you thing it would be worth buying a $2000 gun vs a lot of cheaper guns?
Will I be glad I did or disapointed? I just do plinging bench rest not hunting.
I wouldn’t buy the FX-Impact I wanted for 5 years because it was too much money for an air gun. I just wouldn’t spend $2000 on one, no way. I bought an RWS 48 and a Marauder both in .177 caliber and was left wanting more. The Marauder was my first pcp and a nice step up from springers but was still severely lacking what I really wanted more power, range and superb accuracy. I’ll admit, .177 caliber was the real culprit in lack of power and accuracy that I wanted for outside shooting and hunting. But I think if I got the Marauder in .25 I‘d been really disappointed in the shot count.

In 2022 I got viral meningitis and wondered for 3 months how I was going to live if I didn’t recover from the double vision. I slowly got better and was able to start reading and watching videos with the books or devices 4 or 5 inches from my face after about 6 weeks. I continued to improve and now I’m fully recovered. During my recovery I found Matt Dubber‘s channel on youtube and watched just about every video he had. I made up my mind I was going to buy the FX Impact and didn’t care what it cost. I bought one in 25 caliber and it cost $2300 plus about $300 for an air compressor + $100 for pellets + $400 for a scope. My wife wasn’t happy but she got over it and I haven’t regretted it once. It has been everything I hoped and ridiculously more accurate than I thought possible. I also get about 140 shots per fill which is awesome!

Premium pcp’s are worth the money. If you can afford one, buy it and I doubt you’ll regret it. Remember, there is no day of the week named Someday.
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I am the opposite. I have a Caiman X that is accurate and I prefer to shoot my much less expensive P35s. I like their shape and weight better and the best of them is just as accurate as the Caiman. It's nice we have so many choices.
i’m the same as you.. i have a huben k1 but shoot my notos much more.
i don’t have a range to push my huben k1 and my shooting skill to the max. my notos doesn’t shoot beyond 80 yards as accurate as the huben and i don’t have a high magnification scope on hand to really push my shooting accuracy. 12x on the huben and a 6x on the notos. i’ve powered down pigeons with the huben at over 140 yards and pigeons at up to 75 yards with the notos. a higher magnification optic would help but i don’t have a shooting range to shoot that far whenever i want. plus, .22 cal ammo is cheaper and my notos is only 6.6 pounds. the semi-auto huben is a glutton for ammo and is super fun. glad i didn’t get an fx. i see too many threads about leaking fx guns and i noticed there’s always at least one for sale in the classifieds.
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