FX FX Airguns DRS Pro: How Significant is This Really?

So, what is a forum for? Are we not allowed to discuss things? Or are we only allowed to praise everything.
Ignoring , and pretending issues don't exist ( with ANY product) does not lead to improvements and solutions !!

I have in the past done many assessments and reviews for various equipment.......some manufactures are fantastic and take feedback VERY seriously and act upon it to make the product better......a win for all.

In a couple of cases....the manufacture said i could give any feedback ( online) i wanted .... AS LONG AS IT WAS OF A POSITIVE NATURE !!! :(
I hope the pro doesn’t have the same reliability problems as the standard version. My shooting partner has had a refund after his drs was sent back for repair twice within a month and another friend of his drs has also developed the exact same fault and is currently back for repair for the second time☹️.

I am not 100% sure but I believe it to be either an o ring or firing valve issue.

Dang that’s crazy what exactly is happening to justify sending it in for repair?
I will because it is accurate and much more reliable than any new FX. And the Gamo don't suffer from POI shifts like FX do.
lol a plastic gamo yuck my cousin used to hunt with me and had one of those I was so embarrassed to even go out there in the desert with him but hey he loved it you wouldn’t catch me dead with one of those I’ll take my poi shift riddled m3 any day over that hideous pos lol
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You do realize competitions are just bragging rights right? I can care less about who wins a competition with what gun and many of us out there agree. To me it's not real world shooting. Impressive absolutely but not entirely realistic for the majority of people. Personally as a pester/hunter I don't get sighters, wind flags to show wind speeds or time to check my zero or anything. 1st shot is only one that matters. I'd love to see a competition where you take your gun out of your case, setup and you get 25 pellets to make your 25 shots no sighters or anything. EFT and PRS are more realistic in that regard IMO. Enjoy what you'd like but the airgunning world doesn't revolve around competitions only a small percentage and just because an FX has won more doesn't mean there better guns overall. Just different. They don't work for my uses as I treat my guns more like a real firearm not needing to be babied. Others do baby their guns and there entitled to do that. We're all in this for different reasons but we all enjoy airguns
poi shift is not just something that plagues FX’s airrifles it’s common in all rifles
I saw that videos the day each was posted.
Did you see that he did some aftermarket changes? Different barrel than stock and added a plenum gauge. And to get to the regulator adjustment he had to remove the chassis and shoot without it to get the setting right. That is what everybody try to get away from.
same barrel dude he just changed the shroud which is essentially the air reservoir from carbon to the standard aluminum and in regards to the setting adjustments, they didn’t want any of that stuff in the way so in competition it’s not to get bumped it’s supposed to be set it and forget it what I don’t understand is if your not interested is fx’s modern guns why are you here on a drs forum talking about your plastic gamo is all you need makes no sense we would love fx to start putting solid barrels in there rifles but they don’t so we check zero just in case not a big deal.
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Dang that’s crazy what exactly is happening to justify sending it in for repair?
For no reason after a few dozen shots the gun goes bang and dumps all the air out of the barrel. Initially it was thought the reg pressure was too low so that was increased but it did exactly the same thing.
I'll agree with Caliber 22 on the synthetic stocks. Some of them are quite nice. And you've got to appreciate the weather resistance on a hard use hunting rifle. A cheaper synthetic doesn't belong on any rifle, but none of us are shooting fifty dollar guns from Walmart that come with a flimsy plastic stock.
Not having a reg pressure gauge on a drs, how would anybody know what the reg pressure is to not go below it. Besides, there are hundreds if not thousands of different pcp rifle models that is going below the reg pressure without any issues, so what's up with this rifle. Maybe there are other rifles with the same issue I don't know of but this is the first time I heard about such a thing. Does other FX rifles have the same issue and warning in their manual?
I don't know. The DRS is my first FX air gun. I am not trying to argue. I can't speak on other guns.
I do agree not being able to shoot below an UNKNOWN reg pressure is a huge problem. When I read the book, (twice) I thought...."Well! I guess I will fill after every mag until I figure out what is going on with the reg". It isn't an ideal situation but there is a learning curve with every new product. I have trolled this site long enough to know that FX is a lot better at innovation than communication. I knew this going into FX ownership. Information will trickle out. I am still very optimistic I am going to love this little rifle.
poi shift is not just something that plagues FX’s airrifles it’s common in all rifles

The only guns I have ever had poi shift was an airarms s400 that had a barrel clamp, if knocked hard it could move but other than that, it would stay zeroed. The other was an fx impact, now that was plagued by poi shift EVERY time I took it out of the case, if I touched the shroud and even if I adjusted the butt pad height, just to many parts badly held together.

All my current guns have a one piece block that to which the scope directly mounts and a proper barrel that is securely fixed to the block, so unless I am unfortunate enough to bend something (and that would take a great deal of force) then poi shift isn’t going to happen.

Not having a reg pressure gauge on a drs, how would anybody know what the reg pressure is to not go below it. Besides, there are hundreds if not thousands of different pcp rifle models that is going below the reg pressure without any issues, so what's up with this rifle. Maybe there are other rifles with the same issue I don't know of but this is the first time I heard about such a thing. Does other FX rifles have the same issue and warning in their manual?
The lcs sk-19 is the same way. I'm not sure why though. I feal if I'm paying 2,500$ or more for a air rifle it should be able to shoot below the regulator setting without completely breaking, ESPECIALLY when there's no regulator gauge !!!!
There is not a barrel on earth, that wont change POI, if you bump it hard enough!
Except for these three.


I can pick up my Maverick in that heavy tripod shooting configuration by the shroud and hammer nails with it and the POI doesn't shift lol. It's an actual tensioned barrel system though that I integrated with the supports so it aligns concentrically and locks my barrels in place with 100-120in-lbs of torque, but there's over $200 in the thicker walled HM carbon fiber and titanium components in the shroud system.

The LSS moderated shroud effectively adds tensioning. Didn't have to do poop to it but feed it the right ammo. The bottle attachment point would bend before the barrel would. The Leshiy might bow under a 10 ton hydraulic press, but I'm not too worried about that.

I realized my 700mm Panthera's POI shifted with the rail interference a couple of weeks after I got it. No idea why FX went with the flimsy wall tubing for the plenum/shroud, but I think a CF sleeve would have been enough to mitigate the issue. I talked K&L into making the PR5 rail that had plenty of clearance, but I'm curious if MDT designed theirs with enough clearance. That chassis rail they made looks pretty long, so I know it will definitely bow if you lean on it.

And FWIW, I cringe at seeing people running FX rifles with shroudless barrels with a fat can on the end. It's more than enough weight to make the bore bow downward. I get that people get all gitty about it shooting better like that, but that bowing will cause uneven wear to the bore (exacerbated with swaged ammo).
The lcs sk-19 is the same way. I'm not sure why though. I feal if I'm paying 2,500$ or more for a air rifle it should be able to shoot below the regulator setting without completely breaking, ESPECIALLY when there's no regulator gauge !!!!
It is hard to disagree with your comment. My SHP plenum does have this port on the bottom of it. I believe you can put a gauge there.

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It’s here! The FX DRS Pro! There is gonna be a lot of excitement and discussion around this design approach by FX. Here’s my hot take!

I’ve been waiting MONTHS to give you all my thoughts on this topic as my excitement is gonna be a bit different with my love for the history of shooting innovation. We are witnessing CENTURIES of Airgun innovation coming to life and perfection by FX Airguns in the FX Dynamic and FX DRS designs. Let me explain my backstory….

So there I was…. Knife in hand standing over the biggest buck I’ve ever shot with a crossbow back in October of last year. Blood up to my elbows finishing up field dressing this Deer and my phone rings. It’s Fredrik from FX Sweden and he’s got some cool things to show and discuss.

The second I saw the FX DRS design I immediately knew what this meant from a historical perspective of innovation in the broader shooting sports. Fredrik, Johan, and FX Airguns had perfected what Airgun designers have been trying to do for centuries. Yes… Centuries! This DRS design approach of a fully regulated precision Airgun with an over-the-barrel main air source with plenum under the rifle in what would normally be in the magazine well, bedded in an MDT Chassis, all culminated into an Airgun design our sport has been striving for 100s of years.

View attachment 428604I have seen a few comments about the over-the-barrel main fill source and how it isn't "new" and other companies have done it. If you want to be academically accurate, yes it has been done and has been done since the 18th century. They are missing the point. What FX has done is how they have perfected this approach as well as the use of a plenum where normally the magazine would go. More importantly, this is now commercially available to us shooters through a partnership with MDT who is arguably one of the best and most recognized precision shooting / chassis companies in all of shooting sports.

I'd like to point out that inventors and companies have been striving for an Airgun design that has a familiar manual of arms and ergonomic firearm familiarity for the shooter even before repeating firearms was even a reality. This history dates back to the 18th-century Girardoni air rifle with rear buttstock air reservoir, the 18th-century Edward Bate design with over-the-barrel air reservoir, and the 19th-century Pritchard Ball Reservoir. Notice even back then their inclusion of a somewhat meaningless flint/percussion hammer. Why? Shooter familiarity with a commonly accepted platform. All of these designs were the beginnings of an attempt to build an air rifle that operated and felt like a firearm. FX has masterfully combined these design approaches into one platform with the DRS design concept.

Now with 21st-century modern materials and superior FX Airguns manufacturing capabilities, all of those design concepts have been perfected and rolled into the FX Dynamic and now FX DRS Pro. Airheads we are living in the golden era of airgunning! Enjoy it. I know I am!
well written
It is hard to disagree with your comment. My SHP plenum does have this port on the bottom of it. I believe you can put a gauge there.

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Sorry but that plug is not for a gauge, I tried.
The best way to put a gauge on the SHP plenum is to install an angled manometer bracket.
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The cost of these rifles and the cost per shot of the new slug ammunition has gotten so expensive that it no longer makes sense to me to go that way. If I’m going to pay that much I might as well buy a Kimber Super America or Cooper Jackson Squirrel and shoot Eley Match EPS or Lapua Center X.

I'm happy with what I have and that's fortunate because rising prices make it unlikely to be getting more.
You are right.. that is why I canceled my RTI mora preorder, for that same reason it just don't make sense for me to start the Slug dance buying n buying to see what fits and then be a slave of buying that brand of slugs . I'm not buying any gun that o can't use cast bullets for. That means been able to shoot 50gr .22 bullets at 1000fps + without pushing the gun to the limits.. when something like that hit the market o buy a new gun.
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You say plastic is junk? Cheap recycled plastic yes, but not the synthetic / plastic used on either Gamo, FX and many other rifles including centre fire rifles. You are talking crap just for the sake of it without thinking. Even my very well used and abused 32 year old 9mm pistol has a "plastic" frame on it and no signs of any problems with it.

Again, you are talking crap just for the sake of it. If you are serious it just show that you are a snob without rational reason. There is nothing wrong with Gamo.

I will take a reliable, always accurate rifle with no POI shift over a rifle with POI shift anytime. Do you think Gamo is my only rifle? I used it as an example saying a very cheap rifle does not have POI shift while your expensive FX does. Must I draw you some pictures so you can understand that?

Another guy that cannot read this thread with comprehension. Do you want me to repeat again what I said before?

Well, people here on AGN said the their classic DRS has the drinking straw "liner" in, so the pro then obviously has a different barrel in it, if that wat not changed before that video. Few people buy the pro so the others then sit with a lesser quality drinking straw. Even then, after looking again, that barrel in that video look like a thin drinking straw. I would like to see him hit a golf ball with it and show if it is still zeroed. I very much doubt it. If you did not realised it before, he IS a FX representative and off course he would tell on his videos how "good" it is. Do you think he do it for free? The same as the FX boss saying there is no POI shift while everyone know there is.

Because I am getting fed-up with people like you saying crap is gold.

When hunting with it, the first shot is what count, there is no time to first check zero. So it IS a big deal. And here you also admit that you would like solid barrels but instead checking zero all the time. Again, IT IS A BIG DEAL.
Are you just d*mb or uneducated? Or just enjoy having negative encounters with strangers on the Internet? Most hunters check zero before a hunt I don’t understand why you think it shouldn’t have to be done. Even the most expensive centerfire rifle gets a zero check before a hunt every ethical serious Hunter competitor checks zero. Also OMG you busted me! Oh no! I’m admitting that I want a more conventional barrel for my fx! SO WHAT! so fu*king what! I think it could help with accuracy not so much the possibility of less poi shifting we don’t know if that would help or not I’m not concerned with that. I really do think your here just trying to make fx owners miserable because you’re miserable because you want one but you’ll never buy one you want one bad tho you feel left out even if it had a traditional barrel because you’ll find something else wrong with it because its way out of your price range this is what you tell yourself and others to justify why you won’t buy one you’ll be fighting with someone else about a new release from fx in 3 years about some trivial bs trying to bring everyone down about there purchase even tho you know you wish you had one everyone’s shooting them you’re just a jealous hater go shoot your crossman Premiers out your gamo dude that would be flippin awesome with the centerpoint scope that would be EPIC fun bro hell yeah!!
Most hunters check zero before a hunt I don’t understand why you think it shouldn’t have to be done. Even the most expensive centerfire rifle gets a zero check before a hunt every ethical serious Hunter competitor checks zero.
I've killed thousands of birds in my life with my pellet guns. I don't check zeros on my guns. Apparently I'm unethical cause I have guns I can trust to hold zero and don't check? Interesting.