FX Fx amp reg brass piston reg creep? (Updated after polished)

It's mk2. So only 1 reg. As for polishing the washers, check this video. I copy what he did. Check at 12:40. He show how to polish the washers. I just copy what he did.
You are better off matching the washers in thickness so they all work equally, then polishing them a bit. Don't forget some real lube not silicon, synthetic motor oil won't explode in your gun under pressure.
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I think it is just the nature of the beast with a regulated platform. If you have one that doesn’t ever creep at all I think you are in a very small minority group. Actually pretty impressive what those amp regs do. They are so small compared to many others. Little tiny things. lol.
Yes I believe the reg creep is due to its small size. I own a benjamin marauder and also the marauder pistol and installed huma regs in both guns. They never creep. I set to 2000psi. They will stay at 2000psi. But the reg for the marauder is like 5x the size of the fx amp reg. So I think due to the small size ppl are having problems with reg creep.