FX and the syndrome of restaurant without waitress.

Just replying to this old post, but I totally get the frustration! It's like walking into a restaurant with a huge menu and then realizing nothing’s available. I’ve had similar experiences with air rifles, too—sometimes you find the perfect one, but it's out of stock. It’s all about patience, right? Speaking of patience, when I’m waiting between shots or after a session, I like to have a smoothie with organic whey protein. It really helps with recovery.
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I'm having my Royale & Boss buried with me! (Not today but when I die!). Those who own will understand & appreciate. Nothing wrong with a company having products so popular that they sell EVERYTHING they produce. Good for them. But, as Vetmx said there are a LOT of people who think the only thing involved in accurate long range shooting is the right tool. If only it were true but there are no shortcuts. Practice, practice, practice & familiarity with the equipment & surroundings are REALLY the ONLY things that ultimately bring that kind of shooting acumen. Glad FX produces products that make that long learning process so enjoyable! Glad I got mine when & how I did and didn't have to endure a long wait. For those who do, it will be worth it IMHO.
I'm right there with you Gerry. I only have FX Royals. Two 500's and a 400.