I index tested each barrel i had 2#, 600mm and 1#, 700mm for an Impact M3 by the following procedure- USED the mark as a starting reference point and shot groups at the same target bullseye while shifting the mark from 1 oclock to 2 oclock then 3,4,5, etc till i had shot a group from all 12 postions at the same target, while writing the clock position on the target with each group as it printed. VERY TELLING RESULT. I assumed FX factory tested of should test each barrel they put out in the same manner as it has a lot to do with point of aim between near and far targets, a barrel badly misaligned can be thought of as shooting sideways slightly out of center with the center point of the rifle and potential scope alignment resulting in a 25 yard zero requiring a right or left adjustment as well as the normal holdover to hit center at say, 100+ yards. Hope this made so sense, there is some forum threads elsewhere as to this topic that were helpful.