FX Bobcat MK2 .25 (Additional Sound Moderator Benefit?)

Hi All,

Can anyone with a FX Bobcat .25 recommend whether adding ONE additional sound moderator (over stock configuration) will make a noticeable difference? Is it worth the $25 or so in terms of sound reduction? Overall, I don't think the rifle is excessively loud, but it does create a bit more report than I'd prefer.

My .25 mk2 bobcat came with 3 baffles. From the breach to the barrel: First baffle is open, second baffle (mid) looks to be designed to moderate sound, and third baffle(end cap) also looks like it would help with sound moderation. The 3 baffle extensions are additional middle sections to increase the effectiveness of the moderator. I got 3 extra baffles but I don't hear much difference from 6 total vs the stock 3 pieces that came with the rifle. I also didn't like the additional length with 6 baffles and it kind of defeated the purpose of having a bullpup/carbine air rifle. IMO

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Thanks for the feedback all.

I agree with CJ_86 that overall shroud length matters as I too am also loathe to increase the snout of this "carbine." (Again CJ_86) - Its also interesting that you found no real "difference" with the three additional moderators installed. That's the feedback I am seeking. :)

Looking at the components specifically - it seems an engineering "miss" that there isn't any sound dampening material (fiberglass/high density foam, etc.) inside any of those pieces. Any good baffle worth its weight likely has some material to perform the sound energy-killing absorption. In fact, I'm strongly considering integrating some material that will dampen the output while remaining in place (for obvious reasons). There are a number of options floating around in my head.

Has anyone taken that step to add material to the moderator components? And for those that see this as a horses#it idea - I'd appreciate that feedback as well.

Finally - don't get me wrong....I LOVE my Bobcat MK2! But the chance to reduce the report would be a meaningful advantage for me w/o increasing length.

I've thought about putting additional material in the baffles ,but I changed my mind because after every 1000ish rnds the insides of the baffles get covered in fine lead dust. Enough dust for me to want to clean each baffle and I thought any materiel I do put in there will need to be cleaned or replaced after possibly being clogged. I think the Hugget shrouds have some kind of cloth packing? I don't know what kind of routine maintenance, if any at all, is needed with the Hugget though.
Yes, does look like some Huggett moderators use an internal metal frame, which supports the screen which holds back the sound deadening batting material.

Note: Not my photo - cant take credit for it.

The lead dust accumulation seems to be an even playing field for all, but I do get your comment about ease of cleaning. Now my brain is really going into overdrive over the design possibilities.
"Ronin001"add some small vent holes in the rear baffle and that will help spread out the air release and there for decrease air volume / sound out of the final baffle. It would similar to that of the Huggett but just on a much smaller scale.
Ronin001 - Have you done this with an FX? You might be onto something here in terms of managing airflow. I however lack the b#lls to go at my new Bobcat MK2 with a drill! :)

On my Bobcat I have opened up the holes on the end cap to allow more air into the shroud. I also have 3 baffles on the end. From the shooters perspective most of the noise you hear is the hammer and valve and the bleed off on the shroud so it will only be so quiet. Now stand 10 feet away from the Bobcat and the sound decrease is very noticeable. The thump of the pellet hitting what you shot at will be louder.