Hello all !!!
I know everyone love the Boss even the Impact coming out slowly. I got the BobCat MK2 .25cal, Boss .30cal, and on the waiting list of the Impact .25cal and .30cal. It is the joy to having these guns. As a beginner from the gun world in general, I didn't know anything until got HOOK from Ted's videos. Someone amazing like him make my pocket running low and lower....haha. Anyway, if anyone have any experiences about over cocking the pellet that can share with me and someone else need to learn more. I got trouble from the Bobcat and the Boss as well. Thank you... Happy Holidays!!!
I have double loaded many times. First, do not try to push the pellet back towards the receiver because there are orings in the way that you will tear up. Second, you could remove the barrel and the shroud and then push the pellet from the receiver toward the muzzle. However, I find that the easiest thing to do is simply remove the end cap off of you're shroud and shoot both of the pellets right out. The boss has more than enough power to do so.
When I went to AOA a little over a year ago they let me shoot all sorts of their rifles. There were a couple of occasions where I accidentally double loaded the guns when messing around trying to figure out all of the features. When that happened they simply just told me to go ahead and shoot the gun normally. I don't know whether they just said that because if they broke it then they could easily fix it or if that is the practice that they recommend.