FX Crown/Impact regulator mod tutorial

"RomeoAlfa"How high are you able to set the regulator the way it comes from the factory before it starts having creeping issues?
In most cases things start to get unpredictible above 150bar.
With my modification it is possible to adjust it to a higher pressure without creep.
A little sidenote: as the hammer of the Crown is rather light, it is not very useful to go way beyond 150bar, because the hammer is starting to get difficulties to knock the valve open.
It may have just been my gun but I was getting creep at lower pressures. Looked at it just now after leaving it overnight and it hasn’t budged. 
That sure is a great group Michael.
Thanks for the tutorial Weatherby. I was surprised to see the BV washers not stacked in sets of 2.
l owned 2 HW100s for over 8 years and they are always in sets of 2 no matter what power setting.
l don’t have a Crown but l will try your mod on my lmpact. I also really love your shroud if you could 
do a little tutorial on that it would be appreciated.
Did the mod on regulator, only thing I noticed is a slight delay in regulator pressure rising back up after shooting, should not be a big deal unless you do a very quick followup shot.
This mod probably works better with the higher regulator pressures. I would like to find some slightly thicker belleville washers than .020", maybe .025" or .030" would be worth a try if you can find them. I was also wondering if there would be any benefit to polishing the washers.
I have submitted several comments/topics on this reg creep.
My dealer in EU cannot supply the Crown yet ( ordered back in November).
He tells me Fx have suspended shipping until this regulator issue with the springs (BV washers) is corrected.
So I surmise that all previous made guns have this problem to a lesser or greater degree.
Think it poor that a gun announced early in 2017 has this error.
How it can take so long to sort out is beyond me.
I am still waiting !!

safe shooting
"LSS152"Anybody else tried this? I was not having any problems until yesterday. I think it was messing up my accuracy. My reg is creeping up to 160/170. I have a .30 caliber crown. Can you send the crown back for this issue? I am in NC I wonder if I could run it by the place where FX is doing the repair work? Thanks for the help guys!
Try to back off reg.pressure first, and adjust it up again by using the FX method as described in the manual.
In several cases. this has solved the creep issue as well. poopty thing is that the pressure gauges are not very accurate, and the regulator starts to get unpredictable above 150 Bar.
I'd suggest to dial it back to a 140 bar reading on your reg. pressure gauge, and see if things improve.
You can send it in ofcourse, but this is easy to try first. You have got nothing to loose, and everything to win :)

Regarding the gauges, when I tapped my gauge after I fired a shot, it jumped about 2 bar..... So don't trust the gauge 100%, it might be drifting a bit.
The Crown gauges are better than the Impacts! The EDMU gauge is absolutely awesome and I am really glad I got one to use as my setup gauge.

While testing reg settings on my version 1 Impact I never really knew if changes made resulted in improvements as the gauge never really was stable, on the Crown I found that tapping the gauge changed the dial, it’s fine for field and bench work but for tuning you absolutely need a stable gauge...
"riazp"The Crown gauges are better than the Impacts! The EDMU gauge is absolutely awesome and I am really glad I got one to use as my setup gauge.
While testing reg settings on my version 1 Impact I never really knew if changes made resulted in improvements as the gauge never really was stable, on the Crown I found that tapping the gauge changed the dial, it’s fine for field and bench work but for tuning you absolutely need a stable gauge...
Totally agree, my Impact gauge was 50 bar off...... Totally useless. I installed the G1/8 gauge of my FX fill kit to adjust the reg. Looked a bit odd, but hey, it worked.
The Crown gauges are definitely usable, but no other compact gauge can beat the EDMU for sure.
I’m very happy with my Crown since changing the regulator washers this way. I haven’t had much time to shoot over the last week or so but glanced at the gauge today and it’s solid as a rock. 
I also have an early Impact. It has the short regulator piston and I fitted a new one yesterday. 
Ive read Gijs views on the thin washers flattening out and didn’t use them this time. Instead I put in a flat washer first the same as described here for the Crown and then the remaining 9 washers in there usual order 
I set it for 146bar over 24 hours ago and it hasn’t budged. I have the Edgun digital gauge on it so no sticky gauge. 
I have rebuilt the regulator many times on this gun and it has ‘always’ crept up a few bar
This got me thinking is there a possibility that the head of the piston flexes slightly under pressure?
If it’s pushing against a beveled washer the pressure would be on the outer circumference of the piston head ,could 120bar+ distort its shape and cause the creep?
It could be getting rid of the thin washers has made the difference. 
Either way I’m happy with the results. 
Thanks again Gijs
"RMORRIS"Weatherby, thanks again for your help. My question is can the Belleville washers be in this order; (())(())(())(()) without the m3 washer or was the stack too long in that configuration and that is why you used the washer? 
NP, anytime :)
I'd say, just give it a shot, the stock stack is about 9mm's long, so you should be somewhere around that number My setup was a bit shorter.
If you want to replace the regular washer like I used in my setup, you can also use "half a stack", 2 BV washers in this format: )).

Cheers, Gijs
I tried this setup on my Impact x but there was no power at all above 60 bar. It wasn’t even firing the pellet out the barrel and I was getting a slight air noise at the back of the rifle near the magazine area. I’ve changed beck to to 16 Belleville washer setup and the same is happening with this setup now but at anything after 110 bar. Does anybody know what can be cause if this? It must be a problem with my rifle but I don’t know what’s not allowing it to work at higher pressures? Thanks James