FX Dreamline info on reg adjustment

FX AMP Regulator Adjustments Instructions (by JoeKool)

2mm allen key

1. Counterclockwise regulator pressure goes ☝🏽

2. Clockwise regulator pressure goes 👇🏽

(If adjusting down, take a dry fire for every quarter turn)

NOTE: About 1 to 2 millimeters moves the regulator pressure gauge (it’s sensitive) watch the gauge while making adjustments.

Clear as mud?


New to pcp's... and stuck, with a dreamline pub, .22 standard cylinder without any decent info from the manufacturer as their literature is very limited and in fact does not include the pup versions......!

Can you help on these questions:

1 trigger ajustement: I suppose I've got to take the butt down to gain access to the settings.. Just unscrew the main screw on the bottom...

2. AMP adjustment: same thing I suppose: take the butt down. But then do I adjust right away or is there something to do before, e.g. emptying the air cylinder ??

3 One of my sons gave me a plenum add-on . How do I insert it ? Just unscrew the air cylinder and put the plenum in before screwing back the main cylinder...? 

Many many thanks to all for your help !!!

Regards from France
I have a Dreamline Classic and had the same questions. JoeKool's posts have been very helpful and informative. Also, I found this YouTube channel has very helpful videos on tuning specifically the Dreamline series (seems like most videos out there focus on the Impact) - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2Fx7uWbO87BBZ-ALRjTM5Q/videos

My main problem has been (is) determining the right regulator BAR setting to start with for a certain pellet caliber and weight. Once I hone in on the regulator setting the rest of the tune seems easy (assuming you have a chronograph).
taskula i have two Dream pups one bottle and one tube both have no POI problems and I travel with one as a daytime gun and the other is rigged out with night equipment for night work. I remove pests on farms day and night with these guns they are my fifth models of FX products and work very well, I put them through the tests. Both my Dream pups have a band from the barrel to the scope rail that does the job just fine and now they offer a band from the tube to the barrel if that is needed. Both my guns are easy to tune I shoot .30 caliber only at 845 fps and 72 ft/lbs at the muzzle one has a plenum and reg is at 125 bar and gets the 845 and the other without plenum has reg at 150 to shoot 845 fps. AS for basic tuning fellas you can go to the Huma-Air site and read basic regulated gun tuning or you can PM me and I will help you on what I know about Dream pups I own. Don't get frustrated with you new PCP's they take a little time to understand when you are starting out new and I also wanted to say that FX USA will help if you call but they are very busy and you have to be patient due to the volume of calls that go through there.

All the best:

The way i tuned mine is step 1 remove magazine step 2 dry fire or shoot pellet into safe back stop step 3 remove bottle then dry fire till no air is in the gun at all

Then max out the hammer spring till you cant turn the hammer spring knob back it off till you can turn the knob

Then screw in the reg adjuster screw righty tighty or clock wise till you feel a slight resistance STOP over tightening can damage the reg

Then reattach bottle fill it then turn the reg screw lefty loosy or couter clockwise until desired psi bar or pellet velocity is reached but do NOT GO ABOVE 160 BAR ON REG

I personally like to go about 10-15 fps over my target velocity then fine tune with the hammer spring adjuster for consistency and accuracy i hope this helps
Yup. That's mine for example.

Greetings by the way, my first post here.


FX AMP Regulator Adjustments Instructions (by JoeKool)

2mm allen key

1. Counterclockwise regulator pressure goes ☝🏽

2. Clockwise regulator pressure goes 👇🏽

(If adjusting down, take a dry fire for every quarter turn)

NOTE: About 1 to 2 millimeters moves the regulator pressure gauge (it’s sensitive) watch the gauge while making adjustments.

Clear as mud?

Do you take the dry fire before or after reg adjustment?