FX Dreamline POI shifts -HELP

Another week has dragged by & after me insisting on a reply I finally got this super disappointing response from Utah Airguns:

"We can offer you $675.00 on trade in towards another airgun. Due to the circumstances, I the offer is 10% more than I normally offer."

So I pay $1500 for a gun which has a latent defect, now I get to trade it in for this pitiful amount, nice.
An education isn’t cheap. Dump it, get your diploma and move on as a more educated man.

When I sent my Krait back to them to look at, they said they got it shooting consistent. When he told me the numbers I said take it out back and drop it in the dumpster, I don’t want it back. He countered with a trade in offer so I jumped on it. When I don’t like something or it pisses me off, I don’t suffer from sunken cost syndrome. I move on quickly so I can be happy again. The gun I traded it on has made me happy and I don’t even remember how much money I lost. Get a Daystate Huntsman like someone mentioned. You’ll forget ole noodle in no time.
An education isn’t cheap. Dump it, get your diploma and move on as a more educated man.

When I sent my Krait back to them to look at, they said they got it shooting consistent. When he told me the numbers I said take it out back and drop it in the dumpster, I don’t want it back. He countered with a trade in offer so I jumped on it. When I don’t like something or it pisses me off, I don’t suffer from sunken cost syndrome. I move on quickly so I can be happy again. The gun I traded it on has made me happy and I don’t even remember how much money I lost. Get a Daystate Huntsman like someone mentioned. You’ll forget ole noodle in no time.
Yeah we'll see, I don't take lightly to being ripped off. In my experiences the eduction has always been to the other party, companies that sell deffective goods don't do well in the legal system.
It seems that I see increasingly more bubblegum-and-baling-wire "fixes" to problems with expensive air rifles. Maybe it's just me. I'm old, and I like simple stuff. I'm clearly the contrarian, since fancy features seem to outsell boring reliability. Stuff needs to work. If it doesn't, quit buying it. An objective third party would read a lot of these reports of problems and "fixes", and laugh out loud.
It seems that I see increasingly more bubblegum-and-baling-wire "fixes" to problems with expensive air rifles. Maybe it's just me. I'm old, and I like simple stuff. I'm clearly the contrarian, since fancy features seem to outsell boring reliability. Stuff needs to work. If it doesn't, quit buying it. An objective third party would read a lot of these reports of problems and "fixes", and laugh out loud.
Couldn't agree with you more. I have a bolt action CZ457 in .22lr, it has a bull barrel, MPA chassis, NF scope. It makes a hole where I want it, cold barrel, hot barrel, cold day, hot day, doesn't matter. Why can't these modern pcp rifles do this? Well, in the case of this FX Dreamline pile of junk: it has no barrel, it has a straw. This thing will never shoot consistently accurately, no matter what any "influencer", "reviewer" or anyone else says. As you say: if any third party had to sit & listen objectively to tales of having to superglue or epoxy things to a barrel to get it to stay centered they would laugh out loud.
Another week has dragged by & after me insisting on a reply I finally got this super disappointing response from Utah Airguns:

"We can offer you $675.00 on trade in towards another airgun. Due to the circumstances, I the offer is 10% more than I normally offer."

So I pay $1500 for a gun which has a latent defect, now I get to trade it in for this pitiful amount, nice.
What a way for UTAH to begin a life as the FX representative on this continent!
Gol darn it, this really makes me miss FX-USA
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Reading through the thread it sounds like you have tried some things. Here's what I did to fix my Impact point of impact shift. From what I understand, you gun has got the same basic barrel tension nut on the front. Here's the quote I wrote up on someone else's thread, and a link to my thread on the subject.

I've got an original Impact (with many Gen 2 parts) that point of impact would shift on. It was due to two things shifting. One was my Athlon scope's parallax adjustment sticking. I could see and feel the adjustment move incorrectly and throw off the point of Impact at different ranges by quite a lot. Googling showed that it was a common problem and Athlon warrantied the scope immediately. The second point of impact shift was more minute and was caused from the barrel shifting, due the sloppy fitment between the barrel tension nut and the barrel itself. There was enough slop between the two that barrel whip at the shot moved the tip of the barrel within the tension nut. To fix this I simply wrapped the end of the barrel with a couple layers of Teflon tape to remove any movement. Now when the tension nut is tightened over the barrel and into the tube, the barrel centers itself within the nut and can't move.

I have some fixes coming to try. Going to layer carbon fiber tubing all the way up to the inside diameter of the shroud to make a carbon wrapped bull barrel. I checked my barrel tension nut and was able to get another 1/4 turn on it for tightness so check yours periodically as I think when the orings take a set, they can be tightened just a little bit more. Going to do half the liners on the barrels the thickness of the shroud. Also have a carbon tube to go on the outside of the shroud. Time to strengthen this thing up.
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That is why I will never buy a FX. A fix for one does not mean it will fix the others as well. Why is it not done properly during manufacturing? Why is it up to the end user to fix their design and manufacturing problems? Why don't they offer from their side free and complete fix for this problems? Why don't they manufacture it with a proper barrel like other makes and their older rifles used to be instead of this drinking straw rubbish? Just look at that flimsy thing in the picture above. For me, the barrel is 50% or more of the gun and they come up with this !!!

To the OP, if you decide to keep the gun and can't get it fixed, buy a LW or CZ barrel and install it, that is if the receiver is strong and sturdy enough to hold it.
My thoughts exactly, a CZ barrel. As I mentioned elsewhere, I have plenty powder burners that shoot to point of aim, always, with no POI shifts. Why? Because they have barrels, not straws. One of them is a CZ457 in .22LR, absolute tack driver, right out of the box, half the price of a FX Dreamline. THAT's the barrel I want in a PCP. Anyways, I started another thread about a homemade PCP receiver, while I was figuring out this Dreamline issue I decided to make a receiver that I could clamp in a bench vise so that I could test this liner set up independently of the rest of the gun. I am making progress on it, can't wait to throw a CZ200 barrel in there, very sure it will have zero POI shifts!
I, for one, can believe the hype around FX
Not that it is necessarily true for every gun they ever produced.
But because of the build quality that earned them that reputation
As an example, consider my Tarantula .
It is a rock solid 22 caliber rifle.
The machining is impeccable, and the gun, finished in gloss black, shows no imperfections
It simply a joy to handle and cock.
In original tune, unregulated, it shoots 4 mags (32 rounds) at an SD of 6.1fps
A laser when shooting, and is more accurate than I am with its Leupold 3-9 AO scope (also gloss)
The walnut stock is sleek and trim

In that era there were other FX guns just, or almost, as good.
And I do think that the innovation and engineering continue at FX today.
And their guns are still of high quality, but over-engineered

That said, it must be admitted that the Dreamline does have poi problems if one is to judge by the volume of posts about them
It's truly a shame that they don't fix it, and even issue a "fix it kit" offered free to owners with guns still under warranty, and a very low cost to others.
Sometimes it seems as if FX knows how to look forward, but not how to look back

Just my 2 scents


Does anyone know if the Dreamline predecessor, The Streamline, suffers the same poi issues?
I have fond memories and had a great experience with a FX Cyclone that I had and sold 20 years ago. Solid gun with a solid barrel solidly mounted directly into the receiver. Things changed.
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Dreamline Classic .177 in Saber Tactical is kind of good for the shooting far away
FX Dreamline .177 will never consistently shoot accurately, unless you toss the shroud/liner assembly & fit a decent barrel. It's physically impossible for that gun to not shift POI with that ridiculously flimsy 'liner'/spacer set up.
If I knew that the Dreamline had this defect I never would've bought it. One expects this from a Marauder or any of the other $500 guns, but FX? Blown away.
I don't think it's a defect if the end user changed something and it effected poi. I've got a dt compact 25 shooting 43 ft lbs. Took the shroud off to inspect, C-A the end cap on so it won't unscrew with the moderator and bump the barrel willy nilly. It's still shooting same hole..... Like bore diameter after 4 days of travel and hunting. No offense intended but it's best to look for user error first ime with fx. The gear is good, user fiddling is what has caused my inconsistencies without fail on my impact or my dreamtac.
Couldn't agree with you more. I have a bolt action CZ457 in .22lr, it has a bull barrel, MPA chassis, NF scope. It makes a hole where I want it, cold barrel, hot barrel, cold day, hot day, doesn't matter. Why can't these modern pcp rifles do this? Well, in the case of this FX Dreamline pile of junk: it has no barrel, it has a straw. This thing will never shoot consistently accurately, no matter what any "influencer", "reviewer" or anyone else says. As you say: if any third party had to sit & listen objectively to tales of having to superglue or epoxy things to a barrel to get it to stay centered they would laugh out loud.
Having been a competitive rimfire shooter at one point, the shenanigans are not non-existant in that realm too. The cz is a terrific piece, but heeled bullets keep rimfire precision trapped. I'm taking my impact to a rimfire shoot to see if I can get air rifles banned for being too good.

My dreamtac is actually even more precise.... But it's a 25 and all the complaints I see are 177 guys. It's WELL KNOWN that fx 177 liners have left much to be desired for quite some time. Then again I'm one of the guys that wouldn't buy an expensive gun in 177 or sub 12.

At least my opinion is the fx stuff has been so good for me that my very expensive tricked out rimfires shooting rws subsonic match ammo and hand loaded Uber 22 centerfires are now sitting mothballed.

That said, I machine on fx stuff and make my own parts because this is my thing. I understand now that my experience selling aea parts is the airgun world as a whole unfortunately. Be patient and you'll get it dialed and stay dialed when you figure out the guns personality. The fx realm isnt for everybody and every one of the south African youtube videos is an advertisement by somebody with financial gain involved in each component they showcase. Also none of my guns are below 40 ft lbs, i dont know if that's a variable here or not too.