FX Fx Drs 700 .22 low pressure

so this would be my complaint I suppose, I really like the looks of the Drs but I would expect that it should shoot well right out of the box.. especially for it's price.. I'm not really interested in tuning, just like to shoot.. and for the money it should come tuned for something that is specified..I can understand if it was designed for pellets and you wanted to shoot slugs or vice versa.. but for the money it should be set from the factory for something common.. and actually I think they should have like at least 2 factory settings, so you can request one for slugs and it comes tuned for them and you can request pellets and it comes that way..
even if the factory doesn't do two tunes it should say.. shooting 18 grain pellets or whatever it is set for.. each dealer could actually set it up how you want if they are actually into customer service..
I'd like someday to get a Huben GK1 and Kelly at Krazy cool airguns will set it before shipping to what you want to shoot.. now that's real customer service..
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How to do, ….?
You can find a lot of info by checking out a couple of You Tube Channels. Ernest Rowe is a well-known FX Tech who regularly puts up videos on "How to .." with FX Airguns. The first video below is his showing how to install a temporary regulator manometer and adjust the reg pressure. Matt Dubber is a pro Airgun Shooter who has long been associated with FX. The second video is from his channel showing how he tuned a DRS Pro. The last video is from Sub12Airgunners. This is a father-son team from the UK who take apart airguns show everyone how things work, then fix/modify to their likung. Their video shows a complete disassembly of the DRS Classic. Useful to watch.


By adjusting the externally adjustable regulator in conjunction with the owners manual .
As the DRS Classic was apparently aimed at being a "Lower priced" entry level PCP they made it a pretty much "use as is" rifle. Good for newbies and those that don't take things apart immediately (unlike moi ). To adjust the reg pressure you need to take off the stock. And if you want to know what that pressure is you have to degas the rifle, unscrew a plug on the plenum and add a manometer. If you want to adjust the hammer spring compression you need to take the stock off and use a measuring to tool to see how far in the Hammer Spring Adjuster from the back of the block. On newer models a grub screw on the right side of the rifle needs to be loosened before turning the Hammer Spring Adjuster.

Far from the Quick Tune System on the Impact and later FX rifles!

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How to do, ….?
There are a lot of resources and ways people tune. You can see in the manual on how to do it on your particular rifle. I'm sure its written on this board many times over. But when turning you should understand what you are doing and a method. Watch this and it will give you an idea what the process is.
Ok, thank you all for your help, my problem has been resolved, the law in Portugal does not allow PCP weapons to have more than 24 jules at the exit of the barrel, hence their low velocity.
so this is something I need to do when I try to figure out how to help someone, although I have no idea what laws are in various countries, I had no idea that you were in Portugal, I need to remember how to view the members location because the rules are definitely different in different countries.. I'm trying to remember but is it correct to click on the name of the members post area to see where they are?
glad you got it resolved, I need to learn more I guess about getting around the site..
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