FX FX DRS custom 3 groove slug barrel

Okay, so I'm back with my 3 groove .22 barrel. Hammer Forging is definitely my favorite. Nearly always concentric to bore. Very smooth with little lapping if any. Mostly just a polish after maching to fit. Here is a factory port vs mine. I got a lot of advice from people I truly feel know their stuff to make this possible. I believe in redundancy. My barrel requires 3 orings to fail on either end of the barrel to cause a leak. I've noticed working on these for Pyramyd Air if you swap liners often or just once that the M18 OD M14 ID o'ring in the muzzle end of the cap or the M16 OD M14 ID in the breech can get cut by the edges of the brass on the breech side or the steel housing on the muzzle side. My barrel incorporates two additional orings on each end and all edges are sanded smooth. I have to finish cutting the leade for the breech and a little polishing on the ports plus obviously shooting the rifle but so far all of my barrels have shot sub MOA. I'll link vids later as I get it ready. I don't like editing plus it leaves room for hiding things you don't want people to see so mine will show full details good or bad. Obviously the full diameter barrel is a little heavier. Factory is right at 14oz and mine is 25.5oz. Obviously none of this matters and no one will care until you see results. That will be updated in a day or so. Again, on film no cherry picking groups. The 3 groove design reduces friction and adds speed with no other changes. I'll get that on video as well. So far the barrel hasn't been picky on pellets at all. Keep them 850-950 fps and they shoot great. Slugs need to be .217-.2175 for best results. Again, all that will be in the videos.
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Just wondering if you having any testing done on the barrels as far as accuracy pellets and slugs ?
I've had one of the .22 3 grooves for a couple years now .... Shoots both very well. .217 to .2175 & no larger with lighter slugs 25g or less. Not a heavy & long slug shooting barrel.
I've had one of the .22 3 grooves for a couple years now .... Shoots both very well. .217 to .2175 & no larger with lighter slugs 25g or less. Not a heavy & long slug shooting barrel.
I had pretty good luck with the 700mm DRS at 60fpe with 28-30gr at 100 yards. Not tried anything heavier. At 1-18 twist that sounds about right for your results. I may need to add a 1-16 twist to the lineup if I really want to push it.
I would love to test a .25 in my Wildcat. The liner in it is full of voids from poor quality steel. FX should be embarrassed to have their name on this one.
I'll reach out in 6-8 weeks when I get the first test run. I'll need some non biased opinions. I want the truth shared so I can make changes or start production.
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