FX DRS obsession

I don’t know what people think about this gun ye, but on just aesthetics I am in list!!! I have been thinking about getting a AEA in long barrel configuration and in .30 or .35 for a little further shooting. But I am seriously looking at going all out and getting the DRS Pro. That’s a decent used Honda civic worth of rifle after you put good glass and a quality bipod on it. All in i Suppos, any thoughts on this.
I'll give different advice here. It's a seriously expensive rifle. If you get it and don't like it for some reason, selling it, you will lose 30% at least instantly. Just like with buying and selling a new car you don't like. So, you'd better try it first and make sure that this is really what you want. Now about obsession. I'm a very obsessive person. If I were to get every rifle I really want (i.e. obsessed), my house would be filled with rifle to the roof 🤣. The problem with obsession is that they come and go. Once you get this rifle in your hands, it's very possible you will get obsessed with another rifle, then another, and so on. That is what happened to me. So, right now, I try to restrain myself and keep a "wish" list to buy. When a deal comes along, I jump on it, but still, I manage to screw up things royally time to time. Human nature, I hope I'll get wiser as I get older. Just my 2 cents. Singing off for today.
I don’t know what people think about this gun ye, but on just aesthetics I am in list!!! I have been thinking about getting a AEA in long barrel configuration and in .30 or .35 for a little further shooting. But I am seriously looking at going all out and getting the DRS Pro. That’s a decent used Honda civic worth of rifle after you put good glass and a quality bipod on it. All in i Suppos, any thoughts on this.
Yeah to much money plenty of rifles out there that can do the job price between 450.00 and 1,250
Its like the i-phone it cost 10 bucks to make and they sell fir 1500.00
Not sure where you're getting your numbers from but an iPhone cost a heck of a lot more than $10 to make. They may pay the worker that much to put it together but the actual parts alone are probably cloelser $500. Then factor in marketing, employees, machinery, insurance, R&D etc prices start to make more sense.
Considering the AEA Challenger cost compared to the DRS Pro, you could probably purchase about 5 Challengers for the price of one DRS Pro. That's a lot of pellets that could be purchased! I have a standard AEA Challenger in .30 and it's crazy accurate at 50 yards (the longest distance I have shot it) and I imagine the long version would be a bit more powerful and just as accurate, so even longer distances should be very doable. Not knocking the DRS Pro, I have a DRS Classic and it's a great airgun, but if you aren't going to compete on a professional level, there are less expensive options that will get you similar results!
I would say it depends how long you have been obsessed. I completely get it, I just got a .35 cal M3 in 800mm with my tax return this year. Now I had been looking and studying air rifles for years. It got to the point I’d talk about the it so much my wife had to talk me into making the purchase :). I’m very glad I did. The people at the pellet shop have been great as well, it’s there getting the tungsten hammer installed now. Between buying I don’t even know how many different silencers and after market items you are looking at 5K just initially on a nice FX gun with the extras I’m sure you are already looking at :). Is it worth it? To me absolutely. I use it every day. When I pass it in my upstairs office as I go to work sometimes I’ll stop and stare and think damn that’s a sexy gun lol. I’m sure the way other people look at engines or cars. I mean if you’ve been researching for a long time, you’ve got the means, and there’s nothing else you absolutely need to spend money on I say go for it. As others have said and I would agree if you really want it you’re gunna get it anyway. No reason to get stop gaps inbetween.

Honestly instead of rifles stacked to the rooftop with an FX rifle the problem for me has been stacking aftermarket accessories to the roof lol. Top rails, bottles, regulators, silencers, hammer weights… it never ends. So just know you’ll end up spending more money than just the gun. However I have been thrilled with my FX impact. The DRS looks bad ass, I get why you’d go for it… though very minimal air pressure with no way of upgrading for me would be a problem. Having the most ways to customize keeps your gun fresh and new. While that Drs is sick looking if I recall the adjustments are very difficult to get to and internal. You also can’t put very long slugs in it compared with other fx guns. So as you progress it may not be able to progress with you. That said if you are looking for a target shooting gun and have a good feathered air tank go for it!
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I don’t know what people think about this gun ye, but on just aesthetics I am in list!!! I have been thinking about getting a AEA in long barrel configuration and in .30 or .35 for a little further shooting. But I am seriously looking at going all out and getting the DRS Pro. That’s a decent used Honda civic worth of rifle after you put good glass and a quality bipod on it. All in i Suppos, any thoughts on this.
You don't have to go for the Pro. You can get the regular DRS and eventually buy the chassis you want. There are 4 or 5 different chassis options for the DRS already and the platform is still relatively new. Within the next year, used chassis will probably start showing up in the classifieds. There are going to be many options for the DRS in the future.
I don't know much about AEA but I know I can get parts for my FX. (other than Wika/Huma gauges in M8) lol
If you do go with the AEA, I would recommend buying from The Pellet Shop. They seem to be the importers and the best equiped to help you out, if/when it breaks.
The smart money would be on the civic. I mean really... those things run forever.
If you want a chassis prs gun and have 3k buy the fx king and a saber tactical chassis. Then you will have a gun with the same air storage technology plus a picatiny rail, an actual gauge for the reg so you can tune it and a super user friendly tuning system. Oh and I almost forgot you will have a totally badass GRS laminate stock too.
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Not sure where you're getting your numbers from but an iPhone cost a heck of a lot more than $10 to make. They may pay the worker that much to put it together but the actual parts alone are probably cloelser $500. Then factor in marketing, employees, machinery, insurance, R&D etc prices start to make more sense.
I spoke to a gentleman that went to visit the factory in china and he said he couldnt believe that it cost the factory 10.00 dollars to make the i-phone he was in comunications and he was there to see how much it would cost to make his companies device i will not mention names and i said it cost the factory that much to make not what they sell to apple for that u have know idea
Not sure where you're getting your numbers from but an iPhone cost a heck of a lot more than $10 to make. They may pay the worker that much to put it together but the actual parts alone are probably cloelser $500. Then factor in marketing, employees, machinery, insurance, R&D etc prices start to make more sense.
And another thing who gives a crap anyway it was just to make a point its very simple they are all ripping us off fx cost way to much look at all the fancy stuff coming out now fir like 500 bucks you know damb well fx is making like 500 percent on there guns now if you want to waste money on that brand its everybodies option to do so i have the money to do it just dont feel the need to
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When I first got into PCPs I was torn between the Marauder and a Dreamline Classic with the pepper laminate stock. HUGE price difference between the two so I ended up going with the Marauder Field and Target. Got it, shot it, liked it but was never really in love with it.

I ended up ordering my Dreamline a couple weeks later. The difference between those two guns was astounding and the price difference was completely justified. That Marauder ended up sitting in the safe, untouched, for two years until I finally traded it for a springer I wanted.

Long story short, buy the gun you really want. If I had done that it would have saved me $500 because I never would have bought that Marauder. Yes the DRS Pro is expensive but it's a purpose built rifle. If you plan on using it for that purpose, you'll likely love it. I can't tell you how many guys I shoot with who have $10k PRS builds. Some of them have a couple. It's an expensive game if you let it be.

If you plan on using it strictly for bench or maybe Field Target, you could probably save a fortune and some headaches by going with a Crown or something similar.
I could've had 15 daystates by now with all the guns I've went through. Finally coughed up the money for a revere and immediately said "damn, I get the buy once cry once" motto. I actually bought a mint regal less than 2 weeks after the revere.

Just get the one you want now and save the money and headaches of selling/trading off.
The question is how do you know what you want exactly without trying first?
you put in your cart and get all the way up to checkout. pay for it and then sit still for about 2 minutes. if after those two minutes you feel like you should have given it more thought.. cancel it. it’s not the gun you want.
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