FX FX DRS with low velocity first shot! What should I check?

I have one in my Crown and it seems fine, but I use a very light setting for hammer spring tension. I let the weight of the hammer do most of the work. What issues you are referring to I need to be cognizant of?
Overdriving the valve and shooting below reg pressure causing damage to the valve. Even when adjusted to minimum hammer, that tungsten is to much for running @ 130 bar. Not much room for error. Just my 2 cents.
The reg on the DRS is set to 130 BAR, I was just hoping the tungsten hammer would help with the low velocity first shot. maybe kick that valve in the @r$e a tad bit harder, just in case it is some stiction in the valve. That is a cheaper option than buying a new regulator...
Which one did you order the tungsten impact hammer weighs about 2 grams more than the stock drs hammer. To me it seems you get up into 130 bar range and you run out of hammer
Last time I was playing with tungsten hammer my impression was the Reg shall be 160 and higher maybe about 180 ??? Ended up removing it and back to stock weights with a 140 bar.
Last week I noticed that my Reg started creeping, last time was more then two years ago I service it. Kind a lazy to take it apart now, first two tree dry shots in a foot and good to go.
The reg on the DRS is set to 130 BAR, I was just hoping the tungsten hammer would help with the low velocity first shot. maybe kick that valve in the @r$e a tad bit harder, just in case it is some stiction in the valve. That is a cheaper option than buying a new regulator...
I thought one of the appeals of a balanced valve was the ease in opening and closing of the valve itself.
Shouldn't need more hammer, just my 2¢
Only thing I found to help with my striction issues was making sure the the valve was working correctly every single piece and using a little electrical grease on the inside poppet and all o-rings inside because everything has to be perfect or it's going to cause that little blip in psi in the first shot..
And again it doesn't last long either it's a design flaw imo.
That's what makes this a bummer, being I really want a DRS, but only if I can get one without the balanced valve..
Which one did you order the tungsten impact hammer weighs about 2 grams more than the stock drs hammer. To me it seems you get up into 130 bar range and you run out of hammer
I got the one for the Crown, Maverick, Dreamline, etc., i.e. the one designated as all other than the Impact! The way they were designated, I didn't think the one for the Impact would fit.
I just installed the tungsten hammer... Wow, what a difference! The regulator had crept up to 140BAR (I didn't shoot it yesterday). I counted the turns as I removed the HST adjuster, it was in 8 full turns. I slipped in the tungsten hammer and screwed it back in 6 full turns. First shot with 21.9 grain AEA pellets was 1011 FPS (the fist shot wasn't even registering on the chrony with the stock hammer), 49.8 FPE! The second shot was 1000 FPS, (that was 970 FPS with the stock hammer). I then backed off the HST adjuster another 2 full turns and it's shooting them at 990 FPS. I can't really back it out any more or the locking plug won't fit with the stock on. It's just a hair beyond flush with the back of the breech now. The regulator is set at 130BAR, I might try backing it off to 125 or 120 BAR and see how it does.

My low velocity first shot seems to be gone! The target below is the 3 shots at 35 yards. The first shot was actually the high POI, the other 2 are shots 2 and 3. I still have reg creep, but this heavier hammer seems to have overcome the problem.
