FX FX DRS with low velocity first shot! What should I check?

Just got my DRS Classic this week and had the same problem. First shot was low 700’s then it settled in at @924 fps with the 18.1gr FX pellet with the regular plenum.
I installed the SHP and the numbers didn’t change that much, fps went to 950. I began to adjust the hammer spring and what a difference. I am now shooting the 25.39gr at 950fps. I did purchase the slug power kit but didn’t install it yet as well as the tuning, high power, spring; not installed.
I also purchased the brass jam plate and it sits directly behind the spring tension adjuster and doesn’t allow it to move back; better than using loc-tite in my opinion. Through this whole process I have yet to adjust or touch the regulator pressure.
Hammers are to light for the gun anything 130 bar plus you need a heavier hammer
I might install human slug power kit tonight and try free flighting the hammer at the moment I'm running a 14 gram impact hammer and a double spring to help with the preload I'd like to get rid of my double spring one inside the other I'm I. The 160ish area with my reg and my smaller valve stem so I should be able to get what I want for power pretty easily
Hammers are to light for the gun anything 130 bar plus you need a heavier hammer
Have the hammer just waiting to install the power slug kit. image.jpg
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My DRS is experiencing a low velocity first shot after it sits awhile. Any idea what could be causing this? I have already replaced the AMP Regulator because it was much worse, the first 3-4 shots were considerably lower than the rest after sitting awhile. It's just the first shot now, but for testing this is unacceptable because I don't always have the luxury of blowing off one shot and then go for a kill shot. Here is the result of a 5 shot string after it sat overnight:

FX Hybrid .22 22.0gr

Shot count: 5

Low: 761 FPS
Hi: 830 FPS
Avg: 815 FPS
Spread: 69 FPS
STD Dev: 26.8 FPS

1 - 761,FPS,28.3,FT Lbs,
2 - 828,FPS,33.5,FT Lbs,
3 - 826,FPS,33.3,FT Lbs,
4 - 830,FPS,33.7,FT Lbs,
5 - 828,FPS,33.5,FT Lbs,

Since only the first shot is 67 FPS less than the rest, I'm wondering if it might be the valve leaking off a small amount of air after it sits a while. Any thoughts on what I should be checking?
Must regulated rifles unfortunately work that way....

Do not suffer, just know how to handle it: do not trust accuracy of first two shots.
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Must regulated rifles unfortunately work that way....

Do not suffer, just know how to handle it: do not trust accuracy of first two shots.
You can definitly work on that first shot. Mine did the same.

The reg was creeping bad, cleaned it and relubed and now it only creeps 3 bar. You can tune the hammer to overcome the creep, mine can now sit over 24 hours and it hasnt a first slow shot
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You can definitly work on that first shot. Mine did the same.

The reg was creeping bad, cleaned it and relubed and now it only creeps 3 bar. You can tune the hammer to overcome the creep, mine can now sit over 24 hours and it hasnt a first slow shot
Brand new or did the reg get broke in yet mine seems to be fine sorry didn't read the whole post
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