FX guns on eBay.

Just a thought here if these are truly FX USA airguns and with the lawsuit, it could be possible for the legal proceedings to say they were sold illegally and since ebay has your address you could be required to return the gun but they would not be required to give you your money back because who ever is getting the money it is not FX USA. I am NOT a lawyer and who knows what the status of the lawsuit is and if a receivership has been put in place. So no matter how good the deal if your forced to surrender the item without any cash that would zuck.
There have been some good deals, and some ok, and some not so good. The Bubblebee Crown Continuum seems to still show up for me because I am watching it, but didn’t show up when I search his items for sale. Odd.
that is odd. Wish that gun wasn’t the continuum. Don’t want a 380 mm or a 700mm barrel.
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I'd be
Numerous fx guns that have suddenly appeared on eBay. Seller claims all are “refurbished “ saying fx USA went through them all replacing anything needed. Seller is in Wilmington N Carolina. Obviously we are seeing fx USA inventory hitting the auction site already.

Those with guns stuck there should go look and make sure none are yours.
I'd be a little apprehensive about buying those. It would suck to discover that they were someone else's lawful property and someone in the factory is hocking them for whatever reason.
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I'd be

I'd be a little apprehensive about buying those. It would suck to discover that they were someone else's lawful property and someone in the factory is hocking them for whatever reason.
That is very true. Someone else also mentioned that in here. The seller may not have the right to even be selling them or in possession of them.
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I would certainly not purchase anything from the seller but if you have a gun at "FXUSA" I would definitely be vigilant about finding out if yours is for sale or not.
Selling property that isn’t yours is not only illegal, but if crossing state lines becomes a federal case. If John is in high water already, I really doubt he’d be trying to liquidate any assets that FX USA still has OR selling customers guns. I believe this is either a current FX Molly we selling off OR the company working for Sweden trying to liquidate what’s left and try to gain some of the lost money selling off what’s there. It’s in all parties best interest to get those customers guns back in their hands as fast as possible.
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