FX FX guns WITHOUT POI Shift Issues

All of our FX rifles have had poi shifting issues. Some worse than others. A couple were so delicate we had to re-zero after taking them out of a case or leaning them gently up against something. Most have been fixed after upgrading, I think FX should be selling solid rigid barrels for the prices they get. Part of the waffling of the topic I think has to do with what some people do with their rifles. If you are only shooting paper at close ranges in little to no wind at similar temps, poi may never be an issue. But for many of us a 0.5moa shift makes the rifle useless, and in many instances a thin barrel can be several moa poi. Then there are things like barrel length, fpe, climate swings (temps affect barrel material deflection) etc. For some reason this subject gets kinda heated, with many people insisting others dont have the problem of poi and its just user error. I think we sometimes lose the ability to be objectively critical on the things we are invested in and are attached to. I really love all my FXs but they have plenty of design flaws to whine about. :sneaky:

Impacts 500mm/700mm needed CF Sleeves and Tensioners, one of them still needs to be re-zeroed occasionally.
Wildcat 500mm needed a Barrel Band, but was the best out of our bunch to begin with.
Maverick 700mm, I need to do more testing but it will likely need all three upgrades.
If the only two FX guns I ever owned were my DRS 500mm and my M3 500mm pellet shooter ( bonded CF tube/my own tension system), I would be in this topics camp. But unfortunately the other four Impacts and a DL compact I’ve owned put me in the other camp. There are some good theories in this topic pointing to possible causes. Does it become more prominent when we push a gun? Well if FX gives you a reg and these little kits that are focused on 140-160b slug shooting, are we really pushing the gun so hard that the barrel of all things can’t handle it? I could type for the next half hour about my theories and resolutions throughout my ownership experience but I already have enough times that I’m growing bored with it. So if you’re in the my FX is a solid as a Uragan camp, that’s great. If not, then there is plenty of reading material on this forum to help you with your journey trying to correct it.

Or you just buy a gun that none of these topics or debates exist. Go try to find a AGT, Taipan, Raw, AAA, ect topic about POI shifts or not being able to bump the gun.
I can understand FX's reluctance to admit this is a real issue. It will be very expensive to remedy in so many areas. The cost is much more than just the engineering change to every platform, it is the effect of the long standing denial to their reputation. The coverup is always more severe than the fault.
I agree. For example, if I was building lets say a kayak rack for vehicles. It allowed the owner to quickly detach it from the vehicle. But everyone was bitching about the paint job and wished it was powder coated. That would cost me more money on the production side. If my painted kayak racks continued to sell to the point I had trouble keeping up with demand, do you think I would even consider powder coating them?
If the only two FX guns I ever owned were my DRS 500mm and my M3 500mm pellet shooter ( bonded CF tube/my own tension system), I would be in this topics camp. But unfortunately the other four Impacts and a DL compact I’ve owned put me in the other camp. There are some good theories in this topic pointing to possible causes. Does it become more prominent when we push a gun? Well if FX gives you a reg and these little kits that are focused on 140-160b slug shooting, are we really pushing the gun so hard that the barrel of all things can’t handle it? I could type for the next half hour about my theories and resolutions throughout my ownership experience but I already have enough times that I’m growing bored with it. So if you’re in the my FX is a solid as a Uragan camp, that’s great. If not, then there is plenty of reading material on this forum to help you with your journey trying to correct it.

Or you just buy a gun that none of these topics or debates exist. Go try to find a AGT, Taipan, Raw, AAA, ect topic about POI shifts or not being able to bump the gun.
I see your point, but I paid a lot of money for an FX Crown that cannot hold zero session to session, What good is a gun that does not repeat regardless of how well it is made or how pretty it is. I think for the price FX asks, we deserve more. That is not unreasonable.
I agree. For example, if I was building lets say a kayak rack for vehicles. It allowed the owner to quickly detach it from the vehicle. But everyone was bitching about the paint job and wished it was powder coated. That would cost me more money on the production side. If my painted kayak racks continued to sell to the point I had trouble keeping up with demand, do you think I would even consider powder coating them?
OK, but how long will it be before this issue starts effecting sales? Once that occurs, your algorithm falls short. Then the cost of recovery starts to play its part.
Barrel bands on both no more problem with poi
Well, that is not always true. I am a great believer in barrel bands, at least the good ones. They absolutely help. No question, but they do shift a bit when bumped. Barrel bands are a Band-Aid, not a fix.
I see your point, but I paid a lot of money for an FX Crown that cannot hold zero session to session, What good is a gun that does not repeat regardless of how well it is made or how pretty it is. I think for the price FX asks, we deserve more. That is not unreasonable.
It’s not unreasonable but ultimately we have choices. You are not forced to buy or own that Crown. When we buy tires that don’t live up to our expectations, we buy another brand or design next time. You want a solid FX gun, look at a DRS classic or one of their harpoon guns. If something about them isn’t appealing, switch brands and never look back.
It’s not unreasonable but ultimately we have choices. You are not forced to buy or own that Crown. When we buy tires that don’t live up to our expectations, we buy another brand or design next time. You want a solid FX gun, look at a DRS classic or one of their harpoon guns. If something about them isn’t appealing, switch brands and never look back.
In point of fact, you are correct, but I'm still out a lot of money and that's not OK.
It’s not unreasonable but ultimately we have choices. You are not forced to buy or own that Crown. When we buy tires that don’t live up to our expectations, we buy another brand or design next time. You want a solid FX gun, look at a DRS classic or one of their harpoon guns. If something about them isn’t appealing, switch brands and never look back.
100% I tried a crown for hunting and it had poi issues so I sold, great gun but that was a big issue for me. Now I recently bought an impact mk2 that is getting gone through and stuff added to help with the poi problems. If all that doesn't work and it's still an issue I will sell it and not get another impact. I just wanted to try a compact in 177 to see for myself to form my opinion. I have owned or own several PCPs that don't have that issue but had to try the impact. I think the drs will probably my next try for a 177 slug gun. I'm not rough on my guns but if they literally change poi when I prop the gun up against a tree that's an issue for me as a hunter.
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I don’t want to get off topic but I’ll share this. My Edgun .177 is a slug shooter. But the slugs constantly fall out of the mag. I like having a .177 slug gun along with a .177 pellet gun. I decided it was time to just do a dedicated .177 slugger without magazine issues. Did I buy a M4, an elongated DRS or do a caliber conversion on one of my M3’s? No, I ordered a AGT. Why risk aggravation.
I don’t want to get off topic but I’ll share this. My Edgun .177 is a slug shooter. But the slugs constantly fall out of the mag. I like having a .177 slug gun along with a .177 pellet gun. I decided it was time to just do a dedicated .177 slugger without magazine issues. Did I buy a M4, an elongated DRS or do a caliber conversion on one of my M3’s? No, I ordered a AGT. Why risk aggravation.
I am looking hard at the 600mm Uragan 2 for a 177 slugger. The impact I want it to shoot the 16gr beasts so we will see.
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As an FX owner, which one is that?
I only own the FX Bobcat, Royale, Boss platform (identical breech block) with the Original Smooth Twist barrels. They were designed specifically around JSB pellets & shoot them with extreme accuracy (& reliability). The 1st one I purchased was the Royale 500 (.25) and it, like the others, was amazing straight out of the box. It's a platform that imho is overlooked by many nowadays. I don't care to tinker for hours JUST to get my guns to shoot the way these have from day one. FX, I believe, is making a mistake by not continuing to actively market the platform that made them famous in the 1st place.