Don’t bother not that good apparently readings all over the placeAnxiously await these. Seems as though FX is constantly expanding the envelope to advance the the sport. Great job FX. Their new doppler has peaked my interest as well.
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Don’t bother not that good apparently readings all over the placeAnxiously await these. Seems as though FX is constantly expanding the envelope to advance the the sport. Great job FX. Their new doppler has peaked my interest as well.
Lol, what a trolling comment. "Don't bother, not that good, apparently all over the place" means you didn't read the comments and see any context, you didn't watch the video to review the context given, and the list goes on. This comment says I saw others say it sucks so that I will jump on the bandwagon. (This is alllllll regardless of the facts if it actually is good or not im just laughing at you) Way to be aDon’t bother not that good apparently readings all over the place
I tried looking up some reviews on UK and EU air gun sites, I couldn’t find any.Lol, what a trolling comment. "Don't bother, not that good, apparently all over the place" means you didn't read the comments and see any context, you didn't watch the video to review the context given, and the list goes on. This comment says I saw others say it sucks so that I will jump on the bandwagon. (This is alllllll regardless of the facts if it actually is good or not im just laughing at you) Way to be a![]()
The world is a poop show right now so I'm trying my best not to hold new product delays against mfg's.Clearly these things are never coming out.
LOL. Wait till your second day on the internetOne of the best posts I've read on this world wide web forum.