FX Halo Ammunition - Say Goodbye To Pellets

Actually I’m embarrassed to have passed over this as the possibility there’s ambiguity in the pricing. There may be quality control issues and they’re having a hard time getting reject rates down. Someone with experience in high volume metal manufacturing will hopefully chime in here to let us know. Is it possible that this could be a large unknown expense this late in the game or if it’s already been ironed out?

Also to anyone wondering, I’m just throwing theories out there for fun. I don’t have a formal background in this subject and it could just be FX is blatantly lying but I like to think that’s not the case.
i understand that point. i dont think they are at the planning phase of "how many will we include per pack" they already have packing made or at least samples. why not just put out something telling use what the customer would get per pack. if they wait to the last minute to announce that we will get 150 "halos" for the price we would get 500 pellets most people are just gonna say fx is just hyping their products again. then weeks or a few months later it fades into oblivion. anyone remember the barrel harmonic tuning device they released? it was put out as basically fixing all barrel harmonics. when was the last time you anything about that waste of money?
I think I saw one video for the barrel tuner from each elite youtuber that pushes their products and never seen it again. They don’t use it in any of their subsequent videos. And have seen a lot for sale used since. I’ve never fallen for it and never used it so I can’t say personally if it works or not. I try not to fall into the newest, latest, greatest, updatest traps. 😂 Im steering away from FX just for my personal preference anyway. I’ve had two Impacts, a Maverick, WC MKI, II & III. I’m about FX’d out. Haha! Went to Airgun Technologies and love them. No hype and solid as a rock.
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I noticed in the last video (most recently posted?) that the verbage had been changed to "**almost** as cheap as a conventional pellet..."

As far as manufacturing, you definitely need to keep your rejects down to make manufacturing work. In fact, you'd need negligible defects (1 in many thousand) because it's just not feasible to inspect each projectile and customers aren't going to accept a couple of defects in every package. That said, the technology to do this kind of manufacturing is very mature, so quality production should not really be an issue.

I noticed in the last video (most recently posted?) that the verbage had been changed to "**almost** as cheap as a conventional pellet..."

As far as manufacturing, you definitely need to keep your rejects down to make manufacturing work. In fact, you'd need negligible defects (1 in many thousand) because it's just not feasible to inspect each projectile and customers aren't going to accept a couple of defects in every package. That said, the technology to do this kind of manufacturing is very mature, so quality production should not really be an issue.

Thank you for answering!!!
Wasn't one of the early excuses due to them stating that the machinery to manufacture them was taking longer than expected? Would that not possibly indicate that FX is in fact making these?
I may be way off base, but that what it sounds like to me anyway.

Corbin is way behind on production. RMR may be the manufacturer of these just like what FX calls Hybrids. NSA is testing a similar design that is supposed to be out before summer.

We are waiting for a new type of machine being made that we want to make these on. After we receive this machine and get it up and running we will design and build the tooling needed to make a large meplat slug design. We cannot design the tooling until we get the machine so it will be some time until we can get these into production. We hope to have this available before summer but there are a lot of variables so I cannot give a real time estimate.
Wasn't one of the early excuses due to them stating that the machinery to manufacture them was taking longer than expected? Would that not possibly indicate that FX is in fact making these?
I may be way off base, but that what it sounds like to me anyway.

Just guessing it’s just the molds FX will develop. The production will be 3rd party.
FX Halo’s they are terrific, I spoke to the owner of FX, great Guy, very smart, and told him he’s gotta do something to take pellets out in the market.

You know what? He listened to me, cause I am smart, FX can thank me for giving them advice, they are making millions because of me.

I said to the owner of FX, listen, you’ve got to make FX Halo’s great again.
Wasn't one of the early excuses due to them stating that the machinery to manufacture them was taking longer than expected? Would that not possibly indicate that FX is in fact making these?
I may be way off base, but that what it sounds like to me anyway.


I am thinking when these replace everyone's pellets i will buy their pellets cheap ! I mean pellets will be useless so very very cheap to unload to me , 😎

P.S. if owners are in California they might even pay me to take the lead out of their state !!!!
I think there are going to be a lot of us standing in line to help those that have forsaken pellets...