FX Halo Ammunition - Say Goodbye To Pellets


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I appreciate you AGN members linking the video. 👍🏼 Thanks. 😊

I don't appreciate you youtubers ☹️ — who love to waste 14 minutes of our precious time only to inform us that:

● .30cal Halo will come in 44.5gr
● larger calibers will come out first .30 and up
● precision at 25m is "enough for hunting," not one hole, at 968fps

I appreciate you AGN members linking the video. 👍🏼 Thanks. 😊

I don't appreciate you youtubers ☹️ — who love to waste 14 minutes of our precious time only to inform us that:

● .30cal Halo will come in 44.5gr
● larger calibers will come out first .30 and up
● precision at 25m is "enough for hunting," not one hole, at 968fps

A good way to head that off would be to release actual, useful, information. 'Tubers gonna 'tube - if they get nothing to run with, they'll make something up. (And I completely agree that they largely waste our time!)

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We keep hearing priced similar to pellets, same weights as pellets. Well what are they? We know the .30 weights but no other ones, are they going to be heavy weights or more middle weight pellets with there weights. BTW there are some pretty expensive pellets out there and that's my guess where this is going. Clarity would be nice on this subject.