FX Impact air leak

Two weeks ago I received my FX Impact .30 and I felt it was under powered and I tried adjusting it with the regulator and valve but I couldn't get to shoot it passed 850 fps. So I sent it to AOA. Unfortunately I sent it off before I found Ernest video on how to adjust the power. Well anyways it took a week and today I finally received it. The chrony numbers show that it averages 891 now and I was happy about that. I put the gun together with the barrel first then I screwed the air bottle in. As soon as the air tank opened up it started to gush air out through the trigger housing area. So I unscrewed it and tried it again but it did the same thing. Next I cocked the gun and screwed it in that way but still air was leaking out. It's so sad that I have to deal with things like this. I'm not a happy camper. Now I have to send it out again and what is worst is that we have a camping trip coming up. In a way I'm glad it broke now so they can fix the problem but I really hope that I don't run into things like this anymore. I actually have a video on it leaking but I will not post it for now. 
Something doesn't sound right. I couldn't get the 44g pellets to exceed 870 fps. Did you have AoA increase the regulator pressure or perform other adjustments? I was under the impression that they were setting all the regulators at 140 bar (even though the small manometer shows 150 bar). I believe the maximum usable pressure is 150 bar. I know there are "other" ways to squeeze out additional power, but it's not recommended that people go there.

Adjusting the regulator is for advanced use. The main valve & power wheel should be sufficient for everyone but the pickiest people. Therein lies the problem with offering so many options for the end user. The more variables, the more potential for user error.

Why don't you call & speak to their service department before sending it in? Maybe there's a quick fix. Or maybe someone from the forum will chime in.

AOA made more adjustment because mine would not pass 850 fps. Something happened with the valve and I don't think it's a easy fix. I tried pumping air in it slowly and fast but it would not shut. Maybe they adjusted something too far or it's a defect. I like the concept of this gun but I think this gun is made like a watch and there's a lot of small parts. Maybe in a year it will be called FX Impact MK2 when things settle down.
Here's a quick thought. One potential problem with a TDR is that the o-rings may need to be engaged with pressure.

1. When you screw on the bottle and you hear air coming out try to cock the rifle. That may seal the o-rings into place.

2. Connect your air tank, screw on the bottle all the way. Slowly use your air source to try & fill to the recommended pressure.