FX Impact Arrow Shooting Video

Thanks for sharing that was a great job, scope cam footage would of been great and 50 yards would of tested flight stability a little better. But I love it and thank you for your time and thank you for posting, not enough video's are being shared on line bout the impact now that its out in wild. Hopefully ted will put something out soon being the New Year and that fire has been sparked / renewed in him since he has gotten his hands on an impact.
"Tominco"I've been waiting to see this one, nice job! Thanks for sharing. :)
Nice AGN plaque too. ;)

Any info on projected release date or price for the arrow kit?
That plaque is awesome isn't it?!. I know this great woodworker ;)

Sorry I don't have any retail information, this is a prototype. I can't even guarantee the specs will remain the same.
"Wadcutter"Very nice.....I would be interested to see how it does at 50 or 60 yards with no fletching.
Yes, I am interested too, but I've only got 1 arrow and I'm saving it for the next Hogzilla. From what I remember the arrows that were shot from the Verminator Extreme (with fletching) were VERY accurate at longer distances. Maybe someone who has experience with those can chime in.
"ClearedHot"Thanks so much Michael! I've been really hungry for information on this arrow kit as I have one on order. Anxious to see how well it will do with broadheads assuming that FX tip is removable. 

In gratitude, 

Yes, the tip is removable. Since the arrow has no fletchings, I can only assume that if you were to use a broadhead it would have to be a low profile expandable type. Otherwise a fixed blade broadhead would likely act as a steering wheel. I wonder how a front wheel drive arrow would fly? Strange analogy, I know.
"Wadcutter"Very nice.....I would be interested to see how it does at 50 or 60 yards with no fletching.
Yes, I am interested too, but I've only got 1 arrow and I'm saving it for the next Hogzilla. From what I remember the arrows that were shot from the Verminator Extreme (with fletching) were VERY accurate at longer distances. Maybe someone who has experience with those can chime in.
I'm hesitant to shoot at the same target more than once with the Vermy., at 50 yards or less, for fear of splitting an arrow with another arrow! That's shooting while standing and using a tall rest & bipod. 
Mike a quick question, why do you say you are saving your one and only arrow for hogzilla? Is there an issue shooting it 50 yards and reclaiming and reusing it again? I know multiple shots at 50 yards would be a pain in the butt walking 100 yards to and from to retrieve it multiple times would be a work out in itself. Please don't take this a me being pushy cause i know nothing about shooting arrows, and I do appreciate what you have done so far. I remember you saying you don't like shooting groups in the past and haven't seen you shoot any pellet groups with the Impact, so seeing you shoot the arrow groups was a true pleasure.
"sharroff"Very nicely done video.

I wonder why one would launch a 20 grain arrow at 340 fps vs using a .30 pellet from that same gun that weighs at least twice as much and is moving at least twice as fast and is probably twice as accurate?

The Impact arrow weighs 20 grams which equates to 308 grains. However, the lethality of an arrow with a razor sharp broadhead has nothing to do with energy. A broadhead takes life through creating massive blood loss (usually from a vital organ). An accurately shot arrow can take down a much larger animal than a .30 soft lead pellet.