FX Impact Arrow Shooting Video

"kris"I think they will have to return to the original design, where the arrow pulls over the barrel.
with the design from this video I can see there is play at the arrow tip when it is in the barrel. this will effect accuracy. not good

It is unclear how it will shoot at longer distances. It may be marketed as a short range arrow gun (if it even comes to market). Given how the barrel passes thru several parts of the riser/stock the only way to use the Verminator Extreme barrel would be to have a REALLY long barrel. Alternatively they could try to add something like this to the muzzle to help keep the arrow centered.

"kris"I think they will have to return to the original design, where the arrow pulls over the barrel.
with the design from this video I can see there is play at the arrow tip when it is in the barrel. this will effect accuracy. not good

I wonder if the arrow could have a second land added to the shaft that would only engage the end of the barrel. Then at least the arrow would be in the same position relative to the barrel when it's launched. Next thing to consider is how to keep the barrel still until the bolt is clear. Like a spring gun, the recoil motion begins before the projectile is away.
 It is very easy to make any airgun shoot arrows well, "I" am still thinking the aluminum ( hey I'm old) shafts slide over a "barrel": is the was the go, like swivelmachineworks used.
Mcmaster has the correct SS thin tubbing to fit Easton aluminum shafts, then you just need a short section of barrel to fit receiver to SStube. Actually a fairly loose fit is good then apply 1-2 drops 20wt ( or?) silicone oil to end of "barrel" before slipping full 18" bolt/arrow over it.
Like crosmans latest except you can convert any airgun ( with room between barrel/receiver) for well under $50.00. A 40fpe .22 rifle swapped over this way, will hit aprox 300fps and with NO flex they are darn accurate.
