Kiriakos ... The shots per fill were down a little bit, but that was because I adjusted the valve up a little from 3 bars showing to 4 bars showing so it will naturally be using a little more air. Yes, before you take the wheel off push the bar as far to the right as you can using light pressure (toward the power wheel) and measure the distance from the end of the bar to the bottom of the indent (not the top as it is a little wider at the top than it is at the bottom. That distance should be between 18 and 19 mm on the .22 caliber ... remember, you are measuring from the bottom of the groove to the bar with the bar pushed as far as it will go towards the power wheel. If it is in the right place don't do anything, but if it is wider than 19 mm you need to adjust it. Take the power wheel off (don't lose the tiny ball bearing on the back side of the wheel. Take a 1.5 mm allen key and insert it behind the bar on the left side. You wont be able to see the hex head on the screw but you can see the screw from the hole in the bar ... but it's in there ... and you'll just have to feel around with the allen key until you find the hex head. Turn it clockwise and keep measuring about every 10 times you put the key in to turn (you can only turn it by 1/3 or 1/4 turn increments because of the tightness of the indent. You want the bottom of that screw to be very close to the power wheel. Once you get about 18.5 mm from the bottom of the groove to the bar, you should be just about right. I picked up about 40 fps by simply doing that with the .25 caliber. When you take the power wheel off have it in the MAX position and when you put it back on have MAX at the top also. The trouble with changing the regulator is that it is extremely easy to screw it in just a little too much and once you do that you will blow the o-ring out and have to send it back to the factory to be changed out, unless you can do it yourself. But if you do it yourself and can't get it right and end up having to send it back to the factory, you will have voided your warranty by going into the regulator.