FX Impact - Hunting Specific Questions for a newbie

I have a brand new in the case, FX Impact M3 30 cal Sniper 700mm version with every add-on you can think of. I am thinking of selling it and would sell with the add-ons or without. It's never been fired and has zero leaks or issues. Shoot me a PM if interested.
Ok, I will once I meet the criteria to do so (I am a new member and can’t PM yet) but that’s the exact one I’m looking for.
My advice on the FXs is count on needing to add the FX Carbon Fiber Sleeve, and some kind of shroud tension. If you get one of the current production it should come with the newer clamp style front barrel support block. Then all you would need is a small spacer of some kind to tighten the shroud against. This has been the solution for me and several FX setups to help mitigate poi shifts that occur from handling. If you have the time and opportunity to re-zero before each hunting session this may not matter to you. Also plan on getting some kind of moderator in addition to the shroud to really quiet things down.

25Cal or 30Cal are good choices for general pesting of medium (Skunk-Racoon) sized to coyote sized imo. I have a 25Cal MK2 Impact that produces a happy 80fpe that I would feel comfortable taking down a coyote with. 30Cal would certainly be better.

Used vs New? I would say if you plan on leaving everything more or less stock, get a new discounted M3. If you know you want to change things around and do some upgrading I think a used MK2 can be a good idea. Thats what I did, since I knew I wanted a single regulator for the heavier slugs. You should be able to get a nice gently used MK2 for under $1k right now. But with the M3 being so "cheap" right now that makes a little less sense. Just the Power Block/Plenum kit for an MK2 is $220 plus shipping and tax.

Bullet Central has some deals on FXs, including a 30Cal Maverick for $1370 you might want to inquire about. They had some open box demo sales but I dont see that listed on this one.

Impact M3 700mm 25Cal for $1690

Very helpful and informative. Thank you 🙏
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For the ATN X-Sight 4k Pro scope I have been very happy with this 3d printed focus lever. It really helps me get the focus on a critter quickly. If you can find one like it or just get this one, you probably will also enjoy it.

You didn't say which ATN you had but I am throwing this out there

The Gauntlet 30 cal can be a great out of the store gun that will drop a coyote. Probably effective on body shots too. It's a very loud gun (I own one) but it is very accurate to 100 yards or more.
I’ll take a look tonight and get my specific model. I haven’t used it in 2.5 years (had no where to hunt but now I do). Thanks for the info!
Piggybacking off of @JimD suggestion of cheaper airguns with power, my suggestion would be to get a g30 sl. Out of the box can put out like 118fpe depending on hammer adjustment and projectile.
I thought about that but one of the major requirements for me is to be be VERY quiet and modular/upgradeable as seasons and need changes. I think that’s what draws me to impact is the platform’s ability to have several different barrels and caliber sizes in one gun. I am uh he missing something though.
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For the ATN X-Sight 4k Pro scope I have been very happy with this 3d printed focus lever. It really helps me get the focus on a critter quickly. If you can find one like it or just get this one, you probably will also enjoy it.

You didn't say which ATN you had but I am throwing this out there

The Gauntlet 30 cal can be a great out of the store gun that will drop a coyote. Probably effective on body shots too. It's a very loud gun (I own one) but it is very accurate to 100 yards or more.
Loud is the issue here. I need quiet and the more consistent shots per fill the better. I do like what I’ve seen and read about the gauntlet and the marauder as they have been around a long time and there’s lots of support available, but I am concerned I can’t get them as quiet and accurate as I’d like. I also like the compactness of the impact being a bullpup style vs traditional rifle length.
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Loud is the issue here. I need quiet and the more consistent shots per fill the better. I do like what I’ve seen and read about the gauntlet and the marauder as they have been around a long time and there’s lots of support available, but I am concerned I can’t get them as quiet and accurate as I’d like. I also like the compactness of the impact being a bullpup style vs traditional rifle length.
Tomorrow I will post a video of shooting my 3 car guns. U2 .22 compact, U2 .22 700mm and the G30 SL. I had the barrel on my .30 cut to 20" and it has a terminador 3d chassis that lightens uo the weight by 2lbs still puts out 92fpe with the reg set to 3100psi and the moderator keeps it nice and quiet. I believe it's quieter than the other two guns I have, it also has no twang to it. But I get what you mean by modularity. Just know that the more you tweak those impacts, the sooner something WILL go wrong. I'm not saying it to scare you, I'm saying it cause I ran an impact mk2 that I would change from .177 600 to .30 sniper, down to .22 compact and the .22 sniper and repeat the process. It's better for you to get 2 guns if you can so you don't fiddle with these too much unless you have the money and most importantly, time.
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Loud is the issue here. I need quiet and the more consistent shots per fill the better. I do like what I’ve seen and read about the gauntlet and the marauder as they have been around a long time and there’s lots of support available, but I am concerned I can’t get them as quiet and accurate as I’d like. I also like the compactness of the impact being a bullpup style vs traditional rifle length.
You might also check out the AGT Uragan as well. I have never personally owned one but there are lots of members here that swear by them, many of which have sworn off FX and converted to AGT fan bois lol. They have a solid performance and reliability reputation, while being dead nuts accurate and super duper quiet. If there were Walnut versions in stock at Talon Tunes recently I might have bought one myself, but ended up with another Wildcat.
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There is a good thread in the hunting area about coyotes. He argues for 50 fpe without a caliber limit and uses a 70 fpe 25. He also takes head shots almost exclusively due in part to brush in the way of the chest. There is another thread by a guy using a 22 impact at around 60 fpe and he's had some issues. I don't have coyote experience but I have taken a couple small raccoons. The most recent was with my near 50 fpe 25. Brain shot dropped him.

I use an expired 45 minute Scott tank I paid about $100 for a few years ago. Works great. I fill it with my Yong Heng. The YH needs an additional moisture filter and some cooling help (simplest is ice in the water) and good oil (I use NuvAir oil).

You may know what you want but you can get a reasonably powerful 25 or 30 (70 fpe or so) for a lot less money in a Umarex Zellos (25 only) or SPA m60b (also offer it in 357). A SPA P35X in 25 caliber would also produce over 50 fpe. I have 3 P35s and they are my favorite air rifles. Small and light, accurate, and reasonably powerful.
Thank you for the insight on the compressor and tank. I also appreciate the direction in the cayote hunting thread. I’ll do some searching for sure. I’m assuming there’s good threads on compressors as well. Good stuff 👍
Tomorrow I will post a video of shooting my 3 car guns. U2 .22 compact, U2 .22 700mm and the G30 SL. I had the barrel on my .30 cut to 20" and it has a terminador 3d chassis that lightens uo the weight by 2lbs still puts out 92fpe with the reg set to 3100psi and the moderator keeps it nice and quiet. I believe it's quieter than the other two guns I have, it also has no twang to it. But I get what you mean by modularity. Just know that the more you tweak those impacts, the sooner something WILL go wrong. I'm not saying it to scare you, I'm saying it cause I ran an impact mk2 that I would change from .177 600 to .30 sniper, down to .22 compact and the .22 sniper and repeat the process. It's better for you to get 2 guns if you can so you don't fiddle with these too much unless you have the money and most importantly, time.
I was wondering about durability switching back and forth. The reality is if I get comfortable with a caliber that meets my needs, I’ll probably leave it alone. Looks like maverick models are more affordable. Any reason I shouldn’t just go that route with a 25 or 30 cal and just dial it in till I like what I’ve got?

I’m definitely interested in the videos you mentioned. That’s really kind of you do do that (I’m sure is another excuse to go shoot too 🤣)
@MongooseV8 is right





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You might also check out the AGT Uragan as well. I have never personally owned one but there are lots of members here that swear by them, many of which have sworn off FX and converted to AGT fan bois lol. They have a solid performance and reliability reputation, while being dead nuts accurate and super duper quiet. If there were Walnut versions in stock at Talon Tunes recently I might have bought one myself, but ended up with another Wildcat.
That keeps coming up (the AGT switch). I’m going to dig in to that! Quiet and accurate is good. Do you recall why people left FX for them? What was the beef/catalyst for change?
That keeps coming up (the AGT switch). I’m going to dig in to that! Quiet and accurate is good. Do you recall why people left FX for them? What was the beef/catalyst for change?
Out of the box performance with no tuning, ease of tuning, solid barrel, high shot count, versatility of shooting left or right handed.

My U2 700mm came to me shooting 25gr at 940fps Ave, I turned up the reg 1/5th of a turn up and it went up to 996fps avg, and I just finished up turning up the reg another 1/4-1/3 of a turn up. 1/4 turns nets you about 100fps increase, the 25gr should go about 1100fps for 67-68fps, but I'm shooting for 33gr HN performance going 970-980fps for high bc shooting long distance. Should still be getting around 50 shots per fill
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Hello all,

Brief Background:

I am new to the Forum. My only experience with PCP airguns was a Hatsun Flash QE in 25 cal. I no longer own it, but I loved the PCP experience I had with it, other than the hand pump. I hunt with firearms and have a 308, 350 Legend, and 3 AR platforms in 556/223

Now, I recently got access to a nice property to hunt/camp on in Central TX. I am interested in picking off squirrels, raccoons, coyotes, etc. and I want it to be as quiet as possible, especially during deer season. When it is not deer season, I will be truck camping and will likely be shooting either from the back of my truck at night or in one of my deer blinds, where I routinely see these suckers eating up all my deer feed. There are also cattle on the property, so I know they would love for me to take care of any cayotes.
I have decided I want to go with the FX Impact platform. I will be looking at 25 and possibly a 30 or 35-cal barrel for Cayotes. I do not plan on going much farther than 100 yards and will likely stick with pellets unless I move up to a higher caliber and use slugs.

Here are my questions:
  • I am looking to buy a used MK2 or 3, but I would love to know your thoughts on buying used vs just going new
  • I have an ATN optic on one of my AR platforms that I NEVER use and wonder how these work with the MK3 or should I stick with green "hog lights" either over the feeder or mounted to the gun or both
  • Tanks: I have a lot of friends in the fire service who could likely fill up tanks for me if I were to source some they need to get rid of as they are out of date. Has anyone done this? Pros/Cons, and if I have access to tanks, is a budget compressor that can handle filling them be worth it?
  • Lastly, for those that hunt small/med-sized game with an impact, is 25 cal enough for raccoons and well-placed shots on cayotes?
Thanks in advance. I hope to become not just a consumer, but also a contributor here soon as I jump more into the PCP world more

Happy New Year everyone.
I've been following a guy who headshots coyotes and he got a pass thru with an 18 grain jsb in 22. I'm not going to lean on that light of a PELLET for dogs myself.

I too have an impact and an obsession with keeping them stupid quiet. I've got a 700mm 22 with a shroud and a donny ronin on it shooting 31 nsa slugs in the high 900s right now and projectile impact is louder than the fun.

For practice reasons I want to suggest you look at 25 except hogs make me wary. 30 or 35 make more sense if you can cast for your powder burners already but ammo is expensive and you are getting to the point where your airgun is like shooting 308 at gophers in the back yard.

Air and scbas. If your fire buddy can get them and fill them reliably that's a cool deal, air independence is the key to unlocking fun and less anxiety with pcp guns. Buy a 12 volt shoebox clone for cheap to put in the truck with you just as backup.

My idea of acceptable for problem animals in a rural setting is not OK for some forum members, especially my opinion on dogs and hogs.... Unless you're wanting the meat.

Short of it. Take everything you'd do with firearms and cut the ranges down 60%(usually) remember that most of these are going to be in 22lr power ranges with better bc and sd but softer projectiles. Your state might have perks in the rules for air gun hunting too.

I'm willing to use my impact in 22 on coyote or young pig and it's quiet enough to do "sketchy things". I use a lrf arken zulus too which is a bit of a game changer. Youll want one on your legend if you get one for your impact. No fumbling for range finder and phone/ballistics calculator.

One last thing, give a good hard look 600mm barrels if you can. My 700mm and a ronin isnt awesome for some hunting. It's as long as a 7mm rem. Mag and heavier.
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That’s a beautiful and compact piece of art! What caliber and would you recommend for hunting like I’ve described? If so, how far out would you send it in a hunting scenario (coons/cayote)?
The compact I shot today out to 108yds at a cigarette carton with the 2-8x32 scope set to 4.5zoom and was able to hit it 4 out of 8 times the other 4 were either slightly up or slightly below it. That's shooting 15.89 AEA pellets around 850fps.

The U2 700mm could shoot just about anything you want honestly.

Post in thread 'Crap weather, backyard range, pellet testing my new Uragan 2' https://www.airgunnation.com/thread...-testing-my-new-uragan-2.1323407/post-1864642
Out of the box performance with no tuning, ease of tuning, solid barrel, high shot count, versatility of shooting left or right handed.

My U2 700mm came to me shooting 25gr at 940fps Ave, I turned up the reg 1/5th of a turn up and it went up to 996fps avg, and I just finished up turning up the reg another 1/4-1/3 of a turn up. 1/4 turns nets you about 100fps increase, the 25gr should go about 1100fps for 67-68fps, but I'm shooting for 33gr HN performance going 970-980fps for high bc shooting long distance. Should still be getting around 50 shots per fill

Out of the box performance with no tuning, ease of tuning, solid barrel, high shot count, versatility of shooting left or right handed.

My U2 700mm came to me shooting 25gr at 940fps Ave, I turned up the reg 1/5th of a turn up and it went up to 996fps avg, and I just finished up turning up the reg another 1/4-1/3 of a turn up. 1/4 turns nets you about 100fps increase, the 25gr should go about 1100fps for 67-68fps, but I'm shooting for 33gr HN performance going 970-980fps for high bc shooting long distance. Should still be getting around 50 shots per fill
You just checked a lot of boxes. You also hit on something I didn’t mention before: I shoot LH and my son, who will be shooting with me is a RH shooter. I have wondered about the Impact and the way the mag sticks out (for LH shooters). I definite need something that is somewhat ambidextrous. Great info man! Thanks!
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I've been following a guy who headshots coyotes and he got a pass thru with an 18 grain jsb in 22. I'm not going to lean on that light of a PELLET for dogs myself.

I too have an impact and an obsession with keeping them stupid quiet. I've got a 700mm 22 with a shroud and a donny ronin on it shooting 31 nsa slugs in the high 900s right now and projectile impact is louder than the fun.

For practice reasons I want to suggest you look at 25 except hogs make me wary. 30 or 35 make more sense if you can cast for your powder burners already but ammo is expensive and you are getting to the point where your airgun is like shooting 308 at gophers in the back yard.

Air and scbas. If your fire buddy can get them and fill them reliably that's a cool deal, air independence is the key to unlocking fun and less anxiety with pcp guns. Buy a 12 volt shoebox clone for cheap to put in the truck with you just as backup.

My idea of acceptable for problem animals in a rural setting is not OK for some forum members, especially my opinion on dogs and hogs.... Unless you're wanting the meat.

Short of it. Take everything you'd do with firearms and cut the ranges down 60%(usually) remember that most of these are going to be in 22lr power ranges with better bc and sd but softer projectiles. Your state might have perks in the rules for air gun hunting too.

I'm willing to use my impact in 22 on coyote or young pig and it's quiet enough to do "sketchy things". I use a lrf arken zulus too which is a bit of a game changer. Youll want one on your legend if you get one for your impact. No fumbling for range finder and phone/ballistics calculator.

One last thing, give a good hard look 600mm barrels if you can. My 700mm and a ronin isnt awesome for some hunting. It's as long as a 7mm rem. Mag and heavier.
Wow man, thanks for this. Such great feedback here I’m going to end up with paralysis by analysis. Since it is a large investment, I’m soaking all this in to find the best one for me that I’ll be happy with long term. Much appreciated!
You just checked a lot of boxes. You also hit on something I didn’t mention before: I shoot LH and my son, who will be shooting with me is a RH shooter. I have wondered about the Impact and the way the mag sticks out (for LH shooters). I define need something that is somewhat ambidextrous. Great info man! Thanks!
Oh yeah and if you look at the pictures the mag sits flush so it doesn't stick out. And you can get the uragan 2 or vulcan 3 in .177, .22, .25, .30 they're all power houses. Glad I could help! Also there aren't many videos of Uragan 2's out there. But the Vulcan 3's are pretty much the same platform except for how you can access the regulator, and the fact that they have a much larger plenum that can also be reversed to be used as a extra air. The down side of using it as a plenum is that it has a loud ping, put it on the air side and the ping is gone, but some is the extra power. It'll still be powerful, you just won't be able to sling 62gr .30 slugs between 960fps and 1020fps
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That keeps coming up (the AGT switch). I’m going to dig in to that! Quiet and accurate is good. Do you recall why people left FX for them? What was the beef/catalyst for change?
Many of us use our pcps as a pick-up and take-out some pests tool. If you cant rely on your equipment to make first shot hits what good is it? My FXs do that now, but didnt when I first got them. There are years worth of common issues you can read about here and other places. Namely the FX poi shifts, and first shot low fps due to reg creep overnight. I would say most people dont have any issues with their rifles, but many do.

The Taipan Veteran Gen 1 and AGT Uragan have that first shot hits reputation here. The FX DRS is showing to be capable of that too, but they are not shrouded and will be louder than anything else in the same category. Some people have had so much trouble with FX pcps they have moved on to other manufactures. I love my FX rifles mostly because I have always enjoyed tinkering. I think that is the biggest draw for some of us when it comes to FX.

A few years ago there werent really many options for high power, high accuracy, high adjustability platforms. That lead many to buy into the FX models before Covid. Then the industry kinda went nuts in 2020 and now we have several other options. Some of them really seem to do it better than FX, but not everyone would agree. There are thousands and thousands of people loyal to FX for good reason. They make some awesome stuff. Personally I love all of mine, but take issue with some of their design flaws and marketing tactics. There are other members here with a lot more experience than I do with multiple brands. Guys like @JaceSpace1369 use their rifles for a living, and in real world conditions; and have many brands they can speak to.

But Im not necessarily trying to talk you out of an FX, just want you to be aware of some possible issues you might run into. They can certainly do what you are asking, with a long track record literally all over the world. My 25Cal MK2 Impact can drill a California ground squirrel the size of a playing card at least 155yds. With a factory shroud and a Hugget Snipe it is surprisingly quiet even pushing a Nielsen 36g slug at 1005fps. I would bet money that an Uragan with any moderator would be even quieter and probably more accurate/reliable.

What would be best is to find a local range that has Air Rifle matches and hangout to see how quiet different setups can be. Its tough to relay some of this info through text over the interwebs.