fx impact lower picatinny rail

Does anyone know the exact length of the picatinny rail.. Having trouble finding a good picatinny rail quick release that will fit that gun... I want to be able to switch from tripod to bipod with little trouble...I am trying to avoid the Saber rail extension because I have a customer cut foam insert that will not accommodate the addition the gun profile.. Any help your be great 
I did this; got a UTG rsqd403 3slot picatinny riser and another no name 6 inch riser, tapped out the lock bar partly with the nut installed loosely then removed the nut and pulled it out, inserted the UTG and put the lock bar back in to hold the UTG picatinny. This werqed perfectly and brought the rail low enough to not interfere with the tank. It is a very heavy duty solution to the problem you have. After awhile I just purchased the Kraford & Lypt rail and got a sharp knife and modified my case insert. It turned out great.