I have had excellent results using the JSB 25.39gr, or the FX 25.4gr pellets at around 910FPS. You'll need to tweak that somewhat as each gun is slightly different and each of those pellets do not shoot exactly to the same POI. The scope will need to be slightly adjusted when switching between the two even though they are very close in weight. This is out of a 700mm barrel too.

I have a 700 mm M3 25 caliber. I am currently shooting FX 34 gr MK11. I have shot them in the low 800s to the mid 900 and anywhere in between. I have found the best results between 865 880 ft./s. I can easily achieve this with the second regulator at 85 bars which seems to yield the best results. I’ve also set the reg pressures up to 145 bars to achieve the speed. The gun has the lowest muzzle report at the lower reg pressure. I agreed with holdover Ted, with pellets the lowest reg pressure usually results in the best accuracy and quietest gun.I first reg pressure is at 145 bars.
Bought this rifle to compete in the air rifle matches at our local range. It's a .25. 600mm barrel. What is the best pellet/speed combination for accuracy.


Your gun, pellets are not that expensive, your range...

EXPERIMENT ? Learn what YOUR gun likes to do.

In case you didn't realize, the FX designers designed all kinds of adjusters / adjustments into the Impact M3, so the owners can...wait for it...EXPERIMENT... with their shooting ! "On the fly" adjustments ! You can even adjust the power between shots if you take an extra 30 seconds or so.

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