FX FX Impact M4 - Velocity consistency?

When you let the gun sat overnight, have the velocity changed in the following day?

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Damn, the impact is already on 4th generation, and FX still haven't figure out how to prevent the valve stiction and reg creep shenanigans after all these years? I'm diving deep into the search and reading up on them.

What have FX been doing all these years? and where did they invest their profits on if not on R&D? Are you sure these are made in Sweden and not from Nigeria? Even the made in China cheap Snowpeak and other low budget guns don't have these issues.....
lol that’s funny. my notos doesn’t have this issue either.
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lol that’s funny. my notos doesn’t have this issue either.
It's true.,...lol Absolutely love my Notos, it's my backyard pesting workhorse, this little gem simply works every single time without fail. it doesn't even need tuning, absolutely zero dramas! lol Only thing i did to it is a couple of 15rd magazines and a moderator insert for like $40 to make it mouse fart quiet.

Same goes for my Avenge-X, it has been consistent and predictable, zero problems or dramas from it, only dislike is the super long footprint at well over 4ft long, nowhere near as agile as the Notos and M4 though.
I’ve killed so many pigeons at 100+ yards without taking a few shots with my M3. I’m serious, just put a couple clicks on the power wheel. The issue has been widely overblown over the years.
That does help a lot. What I did with my m3 when I had it. I had the tune sweet spotted at like 13 on the wheel so I could put it on 16 when it was a cold gun. Cut that early shot fps deviation down a lot.
Just curious, when you left your FX Impact M4 overnight and shoot it the next day, the very first shot you took in the follow day does the velocity changed from the previous day?

If there's no change in velocity no matter how long the gun left unused, then it should indicate everything is working as it should.

If it's lower in the first couple of shots, then went back to the same velocity as previous day, then it could possibly mean there's a small slow leak in the plenum or the reg right?

If it's higher in the first or 2nd shot the next day, then drop back down to the same velocity as previous day, then that's possibly a sign of reg creep, when more air creeping into the plenum overnight

Not taking about POI or anything, just the velocity alone.
No not because there is a leakage on the reg side. If there is a leakage and pressure drop on the reg side. The pressure side will only fill the gap to achieve the same equilibrium.

BUT temperatures can change. Just after the plenum or regside fills with new air it will be cold because of the pressure drop.
The air will expand when getting warmer acc.to pV=nRT "Ideal gas law"
V,n,R are konstant so the pressure will increase with
Temperature change in Celsius / Plenum Volume
There could be other reasons for the first shoot to be slightly different. Like friction in hammer pin, Friction in the barrel, and orings due to grease setting etc.
I have no idea how much this plays. But you cant loose pressure in just the reg side like you described.
But the pressure can increase in the regside because it cannot go back in to the bottle
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i came across a thread when i was researching this subject last night and decided to re-tune my new M4.

I've tested a few combination of settings, I ended up dropping the reg down to 70 bar, increased the Macro wheel to 6, opened up the valve to about 4.5 line , and able to maintain the same velocity as the default 100 bar reg, Macro 3, and Valve line 4. After leaving the gun overnight, the discrepancy from the first few shots seems to be so much better now.

This is the first magazine run of the day, much tighter spread and first 2 shots isn't too far off from where i had it tuned. Usually i would get 890 to 900fps in the first few shots after the gun sat overnight before it normalized back to around 950fps, the new tune seems to have mitigated the slow first shot symptom, i think it would get a bit better after a few more mags for the valve, HS, and reg to stabilize more. Here's the ProChrono DLX Chronograph reading:

M4 new tune.JPG

Can't speak for the older M3 or someone else but at least in my case with this new M4, the slow first few shots seems to had been tuning related, the stock tune is no bueno. I would re-tune again if and when i need to up the power to propel much heavier slugs to find the balance again.
I'm not sure, going to have to tune it for higher reg pressure for slugs to see if i could replicate the same issue, 70 bar certainly is not enough to drive the AEA 25gr i just received today, the tune is mainly for 18gr and below.
I’m curious about something. The next time your gun is at 90b in the tank, do another shot string until you hit your 70b reg setting. We can run what I call full throttle tunes with our M3’s because we have two regs. I would like to see if a M4 can do it. When I tried it with my single reg MKll’s, the guns only shot slugs well in a certain pressure window. Another thing you’ll need to know. If you are going to use your valve knob to trick the valve lift into thinking you’re using less hammer spring tension, keep an eye on the rubber balls in the valve knob. As you smash them flat, things change. Velocity goes up. If you are doing an extended shooting session and notice your velocity rising, you are abusing those rubber balls. Not good.
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I’m curious about something. The next time your gun is at 90b in the tank, do another shot string until you hit your 70b reg setting. We can run what I call full throttle tunes with our M3’s because we have two regs. I would like to see if a M4 can do it. When I tried it with my single reg MKll’s, the guns only shot slugs well in a certain pressure window. Another thing you’ll need to know. If you are going to use your valve knob to trick the valve lift into thinking you’re using less hammer spring tension, keep an eye on the rubber balls in the valve knob. As you smash them flat, things change. Velocity goes up. If you are doing an extended shooting session and notice your velocity rising, you are abusing those rubber balls. Not good.

Sure, you mean when the bottle pressure get down to 90 bar, record the shot string run down to 70 bar? to see what the velocity look like within that 20 bar range before it drop off of the reg?
Yes. And thank you. It’s all part of a PCP education.

This is the shot string, things seems to stabilized a lot more after it burned through about 7 mags worth of pellets since this afternoon, getting tighter ES and SD, which isn't too shabby. I get 1 mag worth of shots going from 90 bar down to 70 bar on this 480cc stock bottle, velocity looks stable, nothing look out of the norm other than i'm running it a bit hot with an average of 941 fps with these CPHP pellets, pretty much the cheapie stuff for breaking in and stabilize the tuning.

90b to 70b.JPG
This is the shot string, things seems to stabilized a lot more after it burned through about 7 mags worth of pellets since this afternoon, getting tighter ES and SD, which isn't too shabby. I get 1 mag worth of shots going from 90 bar down to 70 bar on this 480cc stock bottle, velocity looks stable, nothing look out of the norm other than i'm running it a bit hot with an average of 941 fps with these CPHP pellets, pretty much the cheapie stuff for breaking in and stabilize the tuning.

View attachment 503855
Another tiny educational tip: The micro HST value is the one to reference and document. The macro simply jogs the micro by several clicks, serving to allow presets for different speeds/ammo for fast and repeatable switching.
This is the shot string, things seems to stabilized a lot more after it burned through about 7 mags worth of pellets since this afternoon, getting tighter ES and SD, which isn't too shabby. I get 1 mag worth of shots going from 90 bar down to 70 bar on this 480cc stock bottle, velocity looks stable, nothing look out of the norm other than i'm running it a bit hot with an average of 941 fps with these CPHP pellets, pretty much the cheapie stuff for breaking in and stabilize the tuning.

View attachment 503855
Your average speed when your bottle is full is 960fps. Your average speed when your bottle is not in its upper range is 940fps. That might not work when you switch to slugs. A 20fps swing is a decent harmonic swing. I just noticed your posting about your macro. Macro is irrelevant, the micro is the one you need to keep track of for your notes.
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Impact M4 is more for competitive shooters, not for hunters.....there I said it....this is why they don't care to fix it because the valve break away friction is fault of a design that benefits competitive shooting.

There is NO part to 100% completely fix this due to the nature of balanced valves for the entire slope of the tune, only mitigation or a non-balanced valve. Period.

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Micro at 2 1/4 when Macro at 6, it's at 2.5 when Macro moved to 8.

CPHP seems to fly better between 890 to 900 so i'll dial it down further to get it closer to 900. The Macro wheel allows me to jack up the power quicker when i load heavier pellets going from 14gr to 15.8 or 18gr, i leave the micro wheel alone when the macro one gave me what i needed, and will adjust the micro one on as needed basis.
Impact M4 is more for competitive shooters, not for hunters.....there I said it....this is why they don't care to fix it because the valve break away friction is fault of a design that benefits competitive shooting.

There is NO part to 100% completely fix this due to the nature of balanced valves for the entire slope of the tune, only mitigation or a non-balanced valve. Period.


I disagreed.

There are many competent hunters who use these Impacts primarily for hunting, be it the SA boys, Utah Airgun crew, or HunterOne Productions dude from youtube who smoke squirrels out to hundred yard. A good hunter will make the tool worked for them, whichever rifle they have access to in their arsenal. They don't seems to be obsessed with chasing after numbers, none of them even care about the "slow first shot" type drama or ever care to mention it, i highly doubt it ever affect what and how they use the impact for, and the impact is just another tool for them. Ultimately that's the only thing matter to a lot of those hunters, whether they get the kill or not. Hunter kills, while Measurebator chase after numbers.
none of them even care about the "slow first shot" type drama or ever care to mention it
Any and every hunter concerned with results and ethical hunting cares about the potential for an errant first shot of the day. They may have worked out a solution or workaround for it, but they most definitely care about it.
the SA boys, Utah Airgun crew,
That's funny when the SA boys like Matt Dubber is on FX payroll. They're paid to promote those guns. Of course they are going to be using them and heavily edited videos. UA is also heavily involved with FX being the importer and distributor. Those aren't good examples.

As a hunter myself numbers are not what matters, it's where that first cold shot hits after a few days of sitting compared to the rest. Alot of my cold shots are 80yds. It does matter to me.