FX FX Impact M4 Won't Cock

I did film it all, but I don't put it on Youtube when other guns screw up during a video. So why would I do that to the M4. It gives a flase impression of the gun when people do that. All mass produced items will have a few duds. Its a guranteed product. FX dealers will replace it, no questions asked.
It did shoot similar to my Delta Wolf, which was shooting so below it's price point I couldn't make a video (it's on my Patreon).

I hope the replacement a laser...and tuned out of the box. It probably will be.
Nate - I don’t always agree with the things you say, and I keep my mouth shut when I don’t. Enough negativity in the world and I know you at least give it an effort. But for this one I will agree. My Alpha Wolf was a really nice shooting rifle, but the accuracy of a turd other than the original 177 barrel I got with it. The 25 barrel looked like someone put a cheese grater through it and would shoot 2” groups at 50y and I sometimes couldn’t keep it on paper at 100y. The .30 barrel was marginally better. The o-ring barrel support at the end of the upper is garbage.

Anywho - I’m just not an FX person. I had to chuckle at the FX company M4 video. Advertising it ambi because the cocking lever could be moved - yet I’d still have a big fat magazine in my face. No worries - I’ll have an RTI Mora in .25 as soon as they are available. You see Gregor’s video shooting the Mora with the 66gr Altaros King - wow what a group.
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I wouldn't say an entire video on the failure. I'd suggest putting a short segment in the final. It's a misrepresentation of the rifle equally not to. I understand its a fine line as a content creator, but the industry requires constructive criticism. You are a serious influence on peoples hard earned money, I've valued your opinion. I've stopped watching the channels that are paid advertisements for products. Everything is not awesome about most products out there. haha
Absolutely agree!

The most valuable reviews are the critical and honest ones.

FX has more paid shills posting glowing reviews than anyone, and they are essentially worthless.

Add value to your content by stating the good and the bad. Just my two cents.

I like your channel.
I did film it all, but I don't put it on Youtube when other guns screw up during a video. So why would I do that to the M4. It gives a flase impression of the gun when people do that. All mass produced items will have a few duds. Its a guranteed product. FX dealers will replace it, no questions asked.
It did shoot similar to my Delta Wolf, which was shooting so below it's price point I couldn't make a video (it's on my Patreon).

I hope the replacement a laser...and tuned out of the box. It probably will be.
I respectfully disagree with you by omitting factual information from your video(s) when in fact that sort of information may very well be helpful to prospective buyers of the item you are reviewing. I personally want to know all of the good and BAD when I weigh my decision before handing over my hard earned money. It seems that particular brand has its share of issues and when you omit issues in your reviews it certainly doesn’t help our community at large. It seems some YouTube Reviews are overly positive, yet never negative and I’ve often wondered why? Perhaps it’s because they may be more fearful of cutting off the hand that feeds them instead of doing justice to their craft and being forthcoming to their viewership?
I respectfully disagree with you by omitting factual information from your video(s) when in fact that sort of information may very well be helpful to prospective buyers of the item you are reviewing. I personally want to know all of the good and BAD when I weigh my decision before handing over my hard earned money. It seems that particular brand has its share of issues and when you omit issues in your reviews it certainly doesn’t help our community at large. It seems some YouTube Reviews are overly positive, yet never negative and I’ve often wondered why? Perhaps it’s because they may be more fearful of cutting off the hand that feeds them instead of doing justice to their craft and being forthcoming to their viewership?
The truth is... these guys aren't doing this for the 'good of the community'. They do this because they want free stuff, need attention, or just to play with the latest gear. I wouldn't watch a Youtube review for actual advise. These guys are just cheerleaders. No offense meant but it is what it is. If a guy doesn't tell the good AND the bad, it is not a review...it is a commercial by a PAID spokesman.
Nate - I don’t always agree with the things you say, and I keep my mouth shut when I don’t. Enough negativity in the world and I know you at least give it an effort. But for this one I will agree. My Alpha Wolf was a really nice shooting rifle, but the accuracy of a turd other than the original 177 barrel I got with it. The 25 barrel looked like someone put a cheese grater through it and would shoot 2” groups at 50y and I sometimes couldn’t keep it on paper at 100y. The .30 barrel was marginally better. The o-ring barrel support at the end of the upper is garbage.

Anywho - I’m just not an FX person. I had to chuckle at the FX company M4 video. Advertising it ambi because the cocking lever could be moved - yet I’d still have a big fat magazine in my face. No worries - I’ll have an RTI Mora in .25 as soon as they are available. You see Gregor’s video shooting the Mora with the 66gr Altaros King - wow what a group.
Oh wow. I had the same experience with the Delta Wolf. I thought they fixed that with the Alpha. They should rename it the Alf Alpha Wolf.
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The truth is... these guys aren't doing this for the 'good of the community'. They do this because they want free stuff, need attention, or just to play with the latest gear. I wouldn't watch a Youtube review for actual advise. These guys are just cheerleaders. No offense meant but it is what it is. If a guy doesn't tell the good AND the bad, it is not a review...it is a commercial by a PAID spokesman.
The Truth is sometimes painful, but it must be told.
The truth is... these guys aren't doing this for the 'good of the community'. They do this because they want free stuff, need attention, or just to play with the latest gear. I wouldn't watch a Youtube review for actual advise. These guys are just cheerleaders. No offense meant but it is what it is. If a guy doesn't tell the good AND the bad, it is not a review...it is a commercial by a PAID spokesman.

At the end of they day they do it for money. Their revenue is generated via YouTube monetization and Product resale that is obtained for free by companies in exchange for an advertisement masked as a review.

I 100% do not support these people, in purchasing their reviewed products or giving them viewership as they rush to be the first to create new content on any new product relevant to the industry they're involved in. I find these people predatory in nature, but aren't all marketing tactics these daays?

As many guns as fx puts out and as fast as they do plus their customer service not to forget there accurate. Their bound to have lemons and small mistakes slip threw that doesn't mean every gun will be like that
Imagine if they used some of that marketing budget and allocated it for better QC? This isn’t a $999 dollar DRS, it’s the brand flagship on initial release. No excuses. No excuses for a DRS either, just emphasizing that this is a flagship rifle that is over 2k.
I respectfully disagree with you by omitting factual information from your video(s) when in fact that sort of information may very well be helpful to prospective buyers of the item you are reviewing. I personally want to know all of the good and BAD when I weigh my decision before handing over my hard earned money. It seems that particular brand has its share of issues and when you omit issues in your reviews it certainly doesn’t help our community at large. It seems some YouTube Reviews are overly positive, yet never negative and I’ve often wondered why? Perhaps it’s because they may be more fearful of cutting off the hand that feeds them instead of doing justice to their craft and being forthcoming to their viewership?
Agree. What there doing is deceiving the good people on this sight, and that could be fraud. Slap a law suit on them, and they will either do the right thing or get out.
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