FX FX Impact M4 Won't Cock

If my customer sees me leave screws out of an oven that I repaired or a motorcycle I repaired (previous career) what else did I mess up on?
If it a screw from the motorcycle brakes caliper, I would be concerned for sure 🤣. But yes, If I pay top dollar for something expect quality, not loose screws on the road. That's why I will never buy Tesla ;). Sorry for the off topic a bit.
As a former production / tooling guy that had to hold a few ten thousands on diameters and gage depths my scrap rate as literally zero. They bought me a Studer S40 CNC grinder to play with and enough inspection gear to beat QC, plus I did my own programming and tooling. Got to the point that QC didn't even bother checking my stuff. Good times.
Yup, an experienced technician with good equipment and total control over their process produces consistent quality product.

The challenge that most companies face is to put out large quantities of high quality product at a competitive price with a less than perfect work force, quickly.

Highly skilled and motivated people are rarely happy in a mass assembly production environment. Process control and automation can only do so much, then there are humans required. 😬

Retired and glad that I don't have to deal with this kinda stuff all the time. 🙂

I can see that in a "custom woodworking workshop" that volume is low and prices are premium. The extra attention to details has been paid for. If there was never, ever a scratch or a run in the finish I would be very impressed.

I worked at a prototype printed circuit company where for small quantities the customer paid a large premium. Every board received 100% inspection and a complete electrical test. To allow for Murphys Law, we always made a couple of extra boards because even in a well controlled process, thinks can go wrong... a single fleck of dust could ruin a board.

From the perspective of reasonable price and delivery this not always practical or possible for a high volume production environment. That is why there are warranties, if something is not 100% then the company addresses the problem.

Perfection is always a desirable goal. All I'm saying is that we do our best.

I see this attitude in new construction all the time. A sub-contractor will underbid a job... then turn around and complain that they CAN'T do the job correctly, for the pay.
Either do something correctly or get out of the way and let someone do the task that will put in the EFFORT, to do it correctly.
I understand mistakes happen but if the same mistake happens again and again... is it really a mistake or lack of effort?
Bottom line, if a YouTuber is paying for items from their own pocket and has intentions of selling it after the review do you think they are going to call the kettle black? After a few views it doesn't take long to figure out their SOP and to stop visiting their channel. Their deceit and deception will eventually catch up with them.
The OPs channel is entertaining but it is clear these are paid spokesmen.
Not to mention this particular “reviewer “ sells his “ free to him “ guns for well over retail.

I mean I’d give a great break to someone else. Greed isn’t good.

I enjoy Nate’s paid for advertising and even I know he’s sugar coating every review …

Include the bad stuff in the review Nate.

It’s funny because he posts here all the time. If you want our collective respect Nate do the fricking right thing man.
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We’ve had this conversation with Nate long before a lot of you showed up. Even abused him a little. Not much has changed. It’s just easier not to watch YouTube airgun stuff. Why contribute and enable deceitful behavior. I’ll fact check a well known reviewer once in a while once I’ve owned a gun for a while. My findings rarely align with theirs.
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Youtube is responsible for me jumping on the FX bandwagon with my M3..... It was a harsh reality check to find out that nearly ALL Youtube content relating to the M3 is pure fantasy . !!

As much as i enjoy my highly modded M3, would i do it all over again with the actual facts now known... NOPE !!
If it were my gun I'd be finding out why it's nor cooking and if I need parts I'll get them by the time the gun get there and they fix it I can have it fixed as fast if not faster depending on fx parts
That’s because you can fix/diagnose a gun. Most reviewers can’t. They are a used car salesman. Not a mechanic.
Most of the time I fall under the laggard in the Roger’s bell curve when it comes to AG’s and vehicle model cycles. I went late majority once and regret it 🤣
Most content creators are geared towards the Early Adopters. Us laggards live on the forums 😂
