FX Fx impact m4

FX fooled me once, never again. UA is better than that, call them up and talk to someone, that’s unacceptable.

Sold my Maverick after getting fixed under warranty and I bought a Ghost…
They way Justin replied to that comment really pisses me off. He basically said, they don't care what goes on here and the people concerns. If the mods weren't so drunk on FX and Utah Airguns I'd spread that comment everywhere…
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They way Justin replied to that comment really pisses me off. He basically said, they don't care what goes on here and the people concerns. If the mods weren't so drunk on FX and Utah Airguns I'd spread that comment everywhere…
I mean he’s essentially only saying “reach out through the channels intended for getting support and we’ll help you out”… don’t see anything wrong with that to be honest… it all comes down to OP’s previous comms with UA. If they really turned him down the proper response to Justin is “did that but was told to bugger off”. No idea whether that’s the case or not though.
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I mean he’s essentially only saying “reach out through the channels intended for getting support and we’ll help you out”… don’t see anything wrong with that to be honest… it all comes down to OP’s previous comms with UA. If they really turned him down the proper response to Justin is “did that but was told to bugger off”. No idea whether that’s the case or not though.
I agree with you on this, sometimes you have to elevate it too the next level! I would call UA and request to speak to Justin and explain to him the problem and if he refused to take care of the problem then I would put them on blast. The few people I have talked to there have always been really helpful, I had a question that the tech couldn't answer so he went and got the correct information. They were super courteous happy to help. That has been my limited experience with them. I hope everyone that has issues with their products gets them worked out with little inconvenience.
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I mean he’s essentially only saying “reach out through the channels intended for getting support and we’ll help you out”… don’t see anything wrong with that to be honest… it all comes down to OP’s previous comms with UA. If they really turned him down the proper response to Justin is “did that but was told to bugger off”. No idea whether that’s the case or not though.
But again, it comes down to them advertising, putting sales on here. Have a presence, not larping an army team for a new gun. How hard is it to come on here once a week and say. “ Hey this is BLAH with UA, please email me at BLAH, and let's get this taken care of.” Actions speak louder than words. By doing that, is makes people have way more confidence in them and be happy that something is being down.
They way Justin replied to that comment really pisses me off. He basically said, they don't care what goes on here and the people concerns. If the mods weren't so drunk on FX and Utah Airguns I'd spread that comment everywhere…
I think all he was implying was if you want to complain on a forum, all that’s going to happen is you‘re going to have to fix it yourself. If you just want your gun fixed, make contact with who you bought it from. There might be a touch of sarcasm because the truthfulness on a forum isn’t doing substandard products any favors.

There was a recent pole on how many guys suffer from first shot issues. A surprising number responded no issue. But their denial gets overcome with facts posted here. Next thing you know they are secretly placing phone calls about getting their gun fixed. So because of a forum and the light shined on issues, repair volume goes up. If there were no forums or groups, guys would just think this gun just needs to be warmed up like an old farm tractor. So yes, I believe forums or groups could be viewed a certain way by a business. But the truths and half truths on forums sell a ton of guns and components. They used to be able to have one without the other. But in the eight years that I’ve been here, the blind fanboys have been run off by people who objectively look at every gun they own and just want to help others. Finally, defending something instead of just trying to improve or fix it is just viewed as being foolish.
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Really, that is some bs right there. They did not own up to it?
I was too new in the hobby to even consider this is could be standard industry practice, now I know better. Customer Returns, In-Store Demos, Promotional Loaners and Dealer's Private Collection all returned to "new" inventory for full price sale. Krale (Netherlands) is one who always sends new product, they get my business. WM
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I had an issue with an Uragan years ago through UA. Reg was bad and caused issues. Had proven it with shot strings and also poi changes on target. Called UA and talked to a tech who was actually the guy who tested it and sent me a label. They got it and said nope it's working just fine either a 15% or 20% restocking fee. I was pissed. Posted about it on the forums and caught the attention of UA. One of the higher ups called me on his personal cell and tested the gun personally and shot more than their 10 test shots and sure enough found the same issue as me. Refunded me full immediately and apologized for everything and made it right. I have utmost respect for that. But it took talking about it on the forums to get it solved as going through the correct way to do so didn't work.
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I had an issue with an Uragan years ago through UA. Reg was bad and caused issues. Had proven it with shot strings and also poi changes on target. Called UA and talked to a tech who was actually the guy who tested it and sent me a label. They got it and said nope it's working just fine either a 15% or 20% restocking fee. I was pissed. Posted about it on the forums and caught the attention of UA. One of the higher ups called me on his personal cell and tested the gun personally and shot more than their 10 test shots and sure enough found the same issue as me. Refunded me full immediately and apologized for everything and made it right. I have utmost respect for that. But it took talking about it on the forums to get it solved as going through the correct way to do so didn't work.
I normally send UA and email with the issue, serial of the gun and when and where I bought it, what parts I think I need to fix and ask them to ship them over. In all cases, the response was “will go out the door in the next couple of days”, even with FX not bought from them. Usually shipped within 2 days or faster. But I get it, sometimes you have to slam the table to move things forward. They always came through for me so far though. Not saying that they couldn’t monitor the forum and go the extra mile, just saying that I’m not pissed about them not doing so cause this could get out of hand very fast…
WOW, yeah I have now purchased a few FX rifles and so far so good but I have not had to do too much dismantling. I held them as a high quality maker but those issues you have pointed out are unacceptable considering as you mentioned the cost of these "high precision" air rifles. And the worst part is that you've owned it less than a month and are being told it's not under warranty. Either the manufacturer or the retailer needs to step it up here and normally the retailer should take the wheel in conversations with FX themselves as its going to be the retailer (Utah Airguns) who is going to really take a hit with their own customer service for not providing that service after the sale which seems to have died. Word of mouth is a great advertisement and also a sale killer when people start talking about this exact type of situation. Sorry to hear you're having to deal with this.
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WOW is about all i can say.
i just joined here today and had a scope mounting question for my Fx Impact M4.
never seen so many people jump all over fx so quickly over one gun and it sure doesn't sound like UA.
fact i received a gun machined like that for 2k it would have been packed up on its way back period.
i would think at this day and age those plates are drilled on cad machined not by hand as some had thought.
the machine screwed up which happens time to time making 1000s of parts at a time or programmed wrong
which today ahh it could happen with the way things are today.
i think who ever owns the gun calls UA directly vs posting the issue it will get taken care of
like the guy in the video did above.
all manufacturers have issues my new ghost hp has been sent back for the 4th time i think i got 150 rounds through it.
my taipan vet 2 is also out being fixed something to do with a de pinger 2 months old.
had to replace my plenum o rings in my m4 due to it took 5-8 shots to get to target speed.
watched some videos took my time and got it done. phew...... wasn't sending this one too, really
got some new o rings off Ebay those pretty much took care of that issue thank God, I'm down to my last gun.
i haven't had any issues with mine in fact i was thinking of getting a 30 Cal same model.
whoever the owner is i hope you get the gun replaced or fixed soon; Utah air has always been good with me over the past 3 years
there is not one manufacturer of air rifles that don't have issues they all break sooner or later.
in my case I'm living proof when i thought i purchased all reliable well-built /machined guns
that's all. i feel some of your pain