Fx Impact mk2 regulator problem

Hello guys,

Because i had i little bit of regulator creep on my FX Impact mk2 pp i ordered a Huma gen 3 regulator.

After i installed it today following all the instructions from Huma and videos of Utah Airguns i got a problem.

When i put the pressure back on i get no reading on the regulator gauge. I slowly turned the regulator up, i can hear it is letting air through. When im screwing the bottle of the gun and then take reg gauge of it is letting air out. So i assume i do get pressure but no reading. 

To check if the gauge is not broken i switched the two gauges. Then i still get fill pressure reading but no regulator pressure reading. 

What could the problem ?
I did put in the reg in as 1 piece, double checked the stacking of the washers. Got it out and put it back in again but still the same problem.


Also tried to loosen the gauge but still got no reading..

Piston and delrin seat looks fine, no damage, scratches or jamming.

The manual of Huma says to put a bit of sillicon grease on the washers and all the o rings on the reg, so i did. Could a bit to much grease couse the problem?

Strange thing is that when i turn the reg up it sounds like it should and builds up pressure. 

The washers are stacked like in this picture, figure 7.


Problem solved!

turns out that i had to turn the reg screw a lot further out.

I had it screwed in till i felt slight resistance and then stopped, just like the manual told.
It took more than 4 full revolutions to get to 100 bar. the regulator screw is now almost leveled with the reg body at 135 bar.

But it seems to be working, overnight it held exactly the same pressure.
This weekend i will do some consistency testing.

If the new regulator isn’t out of the adjustment range try checking the FX Regulator piston comparing it to the Huma piston. Double make sure they’re the same length. It’s happened to me where I didn’t get the correct regulator. I found the Huma piston was about 1-2mm longer causing a similar issue. If I remember correctly Huma has three different power options for the regulator, maybe try stacking the washers in a different pattern?