FX FX Impact MK2 stripped hammer tension grub screw

Hi everyone,
I need some help getting the stripped hammer tension grub screw out. It is known as the C9 on the diagram.
Just installed the 720 PP wiith Power Block. I went to tune it and found the stripped grub screw.
Purchased and tuned from spaweapons. This is my first time tuning this impact out of the 4 impact I own.

Hi everyone,
I need some help getting the stripped hammer tension grub screw out. It is known as the C9 on the diagram.
Just installed the 720 PP wiith Power Block. I went to tune it and found the stripped grub screw.
Purchased and tuned from spaweapons. This is my first time tuning this impact out of the 4 impact I own.

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myself, I'd get a new screw and find a easy out that barely started and tap it in snug and then support it so it doesn't tip and slip and it should come out with the easy out and just a 6" crescent wrench on the easy out.. unless you have a lot of specialty tools, then I would use a ratchet to tap holder to turn the easy out.. if you can't find a easy out the correct size, get one just a little too small so it goes in by hand and you can just grind off the top of the easy out until you get the correct diameter as they are tapered so that the harder you drive in the tighter they get.
I prefer the square tapered style.. hardware store or auto parts should carry them. I occasionally break one on a bolt that was frozen and I drilled the center, but I save the broken easy out and grind the end shorter, so I actually have sizes in-between the normal ones 🤣
but don't try to drill out your setscrew.. it's hardened steel, likely much harder than you gun.. and it would take colbalt or carbide to drill out plus it would have to be done clamped in a mill because just a hair off and you would ruin the gun..
but just a easy out should get it out easily for you.
if you need anything please let me know, you are welcome to pm me..
The 1.5mm head stripped, or the threads on the screw stripped? If it's the head for the allen you might have to cut it out. If it's the threads you may be able to apply pressure to the block it's threaded into while backing it out and maybe it'll catch. Either way I believe you'll need to replace the block and screw.

Hopefully someone with a a capable mind will chime in with better advice or reassurance to what I said.
The 1.5mm head stripped, or the threads on the screw stripped? If it's the head for the allen you might have to cut it out. If it's the threads you may be able to apply pressure to the block it's threaded into while backing it out and maybe it'll catch. Either way I believe you'll need to replace the block and screw.

Hopefully someone with a a capable mind will chime in with better advice or reassurance to what I said.
The 1.5mm head stripped
In order to remove the block you have to remove the adjuster screw. So I believe your only way is to dremel a slot in the aluminium block to remove the adjuster screw. I don't imagine that little block being too expensive, but it is an FX rifle soo I'm not sure.

Yeah I had to Dremel it out but the screw head on Hammer adjuster block broke off!

Finally! Got it out holy Sh*t that was a pain in the ass and I nicked my action.
It is currently in an ultra-sonic clean to get the metal shelving cleaned off of it.
Now I need to contact Utah Airgun for replacement parts.

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Black Sharpie and it'll help hide that little mark on the action.

Nice looking vise...what brand/ model number?