Tuning FX Impact MK3 Tool Kit

Please notify fxusa about this and show the pics. This can be corrected but if no ones catching it, how would they know? Ernest will be all over that, lol

So my MK 3 came in and the case was trash and beat up pretty good and foam inside the case wast torn just about at every joint. FX told me to pound sand when asking for at least a new piece of foam. They said there all damaged and not replacing them under warranty. Not too happy paying for a case if it was built into the price but ok so it’s just a case.

They did obviously give me a right plate which is the only thing appeared to be damaged probably during manufacturing not shipping. I did immediate send an email when I got the right plate cause that looks like a terrible design flaw and just a nightmare waiting to happen when becoming striped.

Thanks for supporting me with the topic at least I don’t feel bad anymore for asking about the damage and new drilled and tapped threads. I honestly expected more from FX’s brand. For my first impression from customer service to the issues I’m already having this might be a first and last FX for me!

I did email Kayla back at FX USA about the drilled and tapped right plate and to my surprise no response yet. I’ll give it a few more days but judging by my first warranty issue right out of the box I wouldn’t expect to hear anything from them honestly. You live and learn I guess. I know of many manufactures but in your opinion what are you few top manufactures for higher end PCPs
They’ll get back to you. FXUSA has always treated me great, from the four girls I’ve dealt with(Kayla, Summer, Jessica, and Melissa) and to Newman and Ernest.

i find, no matter who you’re dealing with, if one goes in with chest puffing out and the “ill show them a thing or two” attitude(not saying you’re any of these, JP81), any employee working at FX or any other vendor and you’ll be last on their list to call for sure.

No different than the special tasty burger you’ll get after talking trash to the cook, or that funny taste you get on your toothbrush after telling the plumber fixing your clogged toilet that he’s moving too slow. It’s all in the approach.

Go in there with your hat in your hand full of respect, and your on their list of favourites. 

Again, not saying you’re any of the mischievous descriptions I layed out. Maybe the person you dealt with doesn’t know company warranty policy all that well?
It was Kayla I spoke with originally. Maybe I’m a over achiever or perhaps it is the fact that this was my first high end pcp and it arrived in “poor condition for my liking”. Maybe some guys are ok with defects while paying 2500 per rifle I am not. I’m an industrial surveyor and my day to day life is basically being perfect and competent and accurate all the while. Perhaps that has gotten to me over the years. So I hold people accountable when stuff like this happens for a few reasons. Main reason is I would want to know when I screw up so I can fix it the following time. If I do and when it happens and it does I fix the issues I have. And I also never evade those few mistakes here and there cause I’m accountable and learn from those mistakes and own up. If I even was a chest puffy guy which I don’t think so, what is fair is fair. We all pay a price for those beautiful cases provided for by FX. If that cost is shoved to us and we put out for a case I’m sorry it should be perfect! I was told the case is what it is and to just deal with it. For 2500 bucks that’s not fair. I’m not happy about the other right plate issue I’m just blown away about the resolve from FX. For the cost and the market they have made I would assume they would have at least sent me new guts for the case. But it’s water under the bridge. It’s just a case even though I shouldn’t have to justify that. And the right plate drilled and tapped location I did get a response and it was only “that’s normal”. It’s all a matter of preference I guess but for a air rifle company at 2500 bucks I thought the resolve would have been more satisfying I’d say.