I'm with you on being on the fence about electric airguns. Maybe it's the old school frame of mind, "Less is more".
Which is why I've walked away from FX. I did enjoy the accuracy. But the intricacies were just too much for me. After "Hot Rodding" my M3, and tuning and repairs on customer Impacts, I just decided to not service them anymore.
I've become a dedicated AGT Vulcan 3 fan. You've got experience tearing into your M3 (?), I'll bet my life you've been frustrated during the process more than once.

If you ever get a chance to open one up (AGT), you're going to fall in love with how well they're engineered. Simplicity and ease of maintenance. I do miss having the higher capacity mags that are used in the M3. That said, I've got a handful of mags that aren't plastic and perform flawlessly in my pocket for the AGT's.
My Vulcan 3 .25 pushing 38.9 NSA shoots lights out 10 ring shots at 100 yds if I do my part and conditions are favorable. That's pushing 81 fpe at the muzzle. My .30 sends 47.2 NSA with 110 fpe at the muzzle with the same accuracy. I can get more out of both of I want to sacrifice shot count.
I'll end up buying an Epoch though. The platform intrigues me! I'm waiting on someone to post maximum fps/fpe for .30 and .35.

I'm also waiting for first gen test subjects to work the bugs out. (I will figure out a way to add a sexy Aussie female voice to that platform to stroke my ego while shooting.)