Ok, so I got in touch with AoA again. :angry:
story is, (Paraphrasing) FX takes off whole month of JULY. No way august is a realistic date according to them. Late September / October at the absolute earliest. Even then, they would be surprised if it is dropped that early this year. Barrels - a barrel from FX sells for 250/300 for a naked barrel. Barrel with shroud, 350 plus. Now with a probe and additional 'stuff' to swap out the probe, could be in the 400ish range. Speculation that it WILL ship with a hard case. All this is just vapor right now till there is official word and releases by FX.
.25 & .30 in black with spare mags pre ordered.
Pre order is going like this. -> online order form, put the impact and caliber you want. NOTHING IS CHARGED NOW> . When they have the official word from FX, they will contact you and ask if you are still 'in' and charge a 500 deposit.
Wanted an approximate # of people in front of me and I was told a 'stack'/ - I liked the game stores. They would say that you are #65 of 300 pre orders and we only get 100 at a time per shipment. SO you could have a realistic expectation of how long you would have to wait.
I was reassured that there should be plenty of Bobcats in this order that is supposed to hit them from FX in the next 10 days though. Hope it isn't a pipe dream. I still need to get my scope research in high gear.
Thats all I have right now.