Fx impact slug liner is a tight fit

Super excited- finally got the slug liner 600mm 22 arrive. Only issue is it us a super tight fit... I mean really tight. Yes it us the correct way around and is th3 same length. I several takes to get it in and finally got the muzzle thread started and used that to get it fully seated. It is shooting well but I'm worried about getting it back out and if anyone else has had this happen?
You can use a thick piece of leather and a good vise to hold it, or better yet - a thicker strip of brass that is thin enough to bend around the brass piece and use vise grips to lock down the brass end. With that end secured you can wrap another piece of leather around the barrel and use vise grips just snug enough to let you gently twist and work it out.

As far as materials acquisition - use an old belt or buy one at a second hand store (you can usually find "real" leather belts at those stores). They sell brass strips for a few $ at most hardware stores.

The barrels are thin, so use caution.

EDIT: if you're trying to separate the brass TP piece from the stainless piece, you'll also (likely) need a propane torch. See this for the process to separate:

Thanks for the tips, 

Initial testing with it looks promising so might just leave it in haha.


Yep, leather in vice grips worked a treat, 400 wet and dry polish has it fitting in a treat, thanks all for the.pointers

Just got a slug liner about a week ago. It was .0014" larger than my pellet liner. I too used some Ballistol and wet/dry sand paper to bring it down. Also polished it with some JBS bore paste that I bought to polish the liner bore. Bill