is there anyone out there still shooting the Indy? Always wanted one but never had the coin at the time to pic one up. Loved the idea though and wanted to see if there was anyone out there still running them
Sad to hear but certainly see how that could be a major issue, major design flaw that never occurred to meIt was a fun little gun for about a year, then it rusted from the inside out.
There is now way to purge any accumulated moisture from within.
wrote about it here,
Airguns That You Broke, Received Broken, or Just Broke and You Never Fixed
Many of us have experienced broken airgun parts, failed parts or consumables (like o-rings, poppets, springs, etc), hamfisted or brain farted a repair or two. It’s kinda how a lot of us learn. Now when these things happen, how many folks just say “eff it” and throw the airgun in the