FX Fx liners quality

This is too much. After I get bended liner with inside marks with my new Maverick besides other issues I decided to just buy another liner, heavy one and after some inconsistent grouping I pushed slug with wooden stick thru the barrel and this is the shape that should leave the barrel and be accurate?

This is too much. After I get bended liner with inside marks with my new Maverick besides other issues I decided to just buy another liner, heavy one and after some inconsistent grouping I pushed slug with wooden stick thru the barrel and this is the shape that should leave the barrel and be accurate?

View attachment 496214
What caliber? And what did you push it with? Have you looking inside the liner while having a bright light at the other end to look for imperfections?
What caliber? And what did you push it with? Have you looking inside the liner while having a bright light at the other end to look for imperfections?
I looked thru the barrel, it has no visible imperfections, I pushed it with hard wooden stick from carpentry store, crown end has some slight imperfections but cannot say 100% as eye can cheat, I put the liner also in the arrow spinner and it is not 100% straight... I dont know how simple aluminum arrow for 10usd can be perfectly straight but they cannot make straight barrel shaft for 120 usd.
When slug is pushed all the way resistance was various so I polished the liner and now it is better.
For what it's worth, it seems to me the only way to create that low spot on the skirt without a corresponding marking on the body is if the slug tipped over just as it was emerging from the muzzle and folded the trailing edge. But based on the light reflection off the defect, it appears to be completely flat like a facet of a diamond and I don't see how that would happen from tipping out of a round tube.
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Could the issue be in your thimble opposed to the barrel, meaning the damage occurs crossing the transfer path? Only explanation I have. Try pushing the same projectile through the thimble alone, unless that is, the above picture is you pushing the projectile through the barrel without the thimble, then toss my idea out the window.

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Plot twist: Maybe the liner was perfectly fine before you started ramming things through it and polishing it.

You said you had some inconsistent groups with slugs when you first got that one. Yeah... slugs do that. It's kind of their thing. Consider investing lots of time and effort in trying different slugs and different tunes before taking tools to the barrel.

Good luck with any warranty claim after polishing the liner. FX should rightfully tell a customer to pack sand in that situation.

Not trying to sound rude, but this reminds of a guy here a year or two ago who basically ruined a perfectly good Red Wolf by immediately taking tools to it right out of the box because of "tips" here learned here and elsewhere, instead of just shooting the dang gun.

We are our own worst enemy sometimes. Fix it 'til it's broke.