FX FX M3 Hammer & Air Valve assembly lubrication

I purchased my 0.30 M3 Sniper used.

It had a some hammer assembly/ Air Valve assembly spring drag that you could feel during cocking and slow de-cocking.

The spring drag got progressively worse over time.

So, with the rifle held vertically butt down, I stuck the nozzle (red tube) from a can of WD40 into the area between the trigger bar and 1st regulator and filled the main block up until WD40 was dripping from every opening.

I cycled the cocking mechanism 20 or so times and there was no spring drag at all during cocking and de-cocking.

Drained and wiped off the block and cocking and de-cocking have been smooth as a WD40'd owl's behind sliding down a knife's edge ever since.

Will be servicing the rifle next month so along with changing out both regulators I will pull the AV/Hammer assembly and update this post with what I find.

~ Troy
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When you ready for deep drive let us know ;) it is wintertime, we can get some great volume of ideas how to entertain.

So, when the surgery already started....

Processing the springs can help a great time eliminating some inconsistencies.

The springs... I mount these in a collet and sand with sandpaper all ID/OD surfaces that may come in contact with other parts.


Especially polishing the ends, these were originally just cut with a rough cutting wheel.


I lube the connecting faces very "politely" with moly lube.

Next is the long Valve rod.
I mirror polished the length that has a contact with the orings. If you take a closer look you will find the spot there. Mark it with a sharpie and polish about 15-20 mm total length.

mirror polish.JPG

If you have access to PEEK and some small lathe, you can easily replace the Valve poppet, also if you polish the Valve Seat you got a bonus performance:

polish the valve seat.JPG

Also, replace the Hammer nose insert (the famous C3 or C53 on M3) from delrin to peek.


Next is a Reg. Grab some jewelery higher power lens and you will see what we talk here.

From here

You polish both pieces to here: ..........(I am still with original FX Reg after some 25+ K shots, if that proofed anything)


Also, since you have all your parts between your fingers...
Deburr all the ID/OD edges on Belleville washers:


What else?

Ah yes, any oring you expose to your views, you better replace with new right there on the spot.


I thought that this lube will serve me for a lifetime. And I am already down to half in four years.


These will entertain you for some time.
But before you start assembling the Impact again, chime in first.
We may get some more ideas - ones you there :)
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