The M4 is wonderful. I’ve been. Shooting impacts for 4 years. No problems here. I was set up with 33grn slugs for ground squirrels. Hammers them out to 150 yards. Generally shooting 50-125. Recently I’ve been on dairy farm. The birds are hiding from me. Using 25gn slugs and getting 100 shots per fill.
Now the Panthera is a wonderful gun. It was my second squirrel shooter. Never an issue, shot fantastic. But now I have the drs which is wonderful also.
typically I shoot off a bench, hooked directly to my big air bottle. Never worry about how many shots I can take. On the dairy farm, I am on foot using a tripod. Shot count is important as well as the shorter Impact, mine is a 700, is easier to deal with. To me, the impact is more versatile and flat out works. If you like the look and feel of a more traditional gun, then the King would be the one. Is one better than the other. Not really. Same barrels, just a difference in how they are set up.
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