FX Fx maverick feeding

Hi there!
Has anyone obserever Fx Maverick feeding cycle?
I noticed that when the pellet/slug is loaded, it does not seat deep enough so that barrel could bites it, and the original pellet probe retract back 2,3 mm when the cocking lever is close due the cocking transmision, so if you obsereve you can notice that smallest shake coud drop pellet/slug backwards that 1,2,3 mm, so blast aff air could deforming pellet skirt and that is maybe the reason for poi shifting and shootgun groups, besides all other discused factors.
It has been disscused before that if you try to sync cocking lever and pellet probe so that pellet probe could dig deeper you could not cock the rifle and probe/port alighment is off.
When switching to my current caliber set up, I made sure to align the pellet pusher hole with the transfer port hole before I reassembled the barrel/gun. Once assembled, the transfer port sat proud of the slot where we load the magazine. I have to hold the cocking lever back in order to get the pellet pusher out of the way when loading a magazine now.

I believe Huma sells a Pin Probe with adjustable pin depth do address this issue.