FX FX Maverick Sniper. 30 regulator problems

Not new to pcps, new to fx guns and regulators.
Today I received an FX Maverick, I aired it up to 250 bar and started watching tuning videos and reading tuning threads here. Problem is these regs don't seem to be doing much. Followed a thread on here from AEAC. With a full tank(250 bar) I can't get my first regulator over 100 bar. So I've made it to step 8 in this thread. Like a fool I didn't record the factory settings before hand. Any pointers or ideas?

So fidling around the 1st reg decided to go up to approximately 135 bar. The second reg will go up as high as the 1st so I suspect the first reg is my problem. My .25 condor has twice the umph of this $1800 rifle.
Is the Mav. new or pre loved? Reason is, the reg is slightly messed up either way. So, tear it apart, carefully, IMG_2768.jpeg The rods SHOULD look like the one on the right, if you have a middle one, you'll never get enough pressure, the one on the left is the originals, they tend to die with use, the ends get concave. Your Bellville washers, 11 should be ()()()()()( the last on can to up or down, I do up. And lastly here is a little thing I wrote up on the o-rings. FX changed some of them to 90's but didn't update their drawings

I've been digging deeper into the FX Mavericks o-rings and I've found that there are serious errors in both the online schematic AND the schematic they send with o-ring orders.

The schematic sent has different hardness's i.e. NBR90 instead of NBR70, this makes sense except one is several mm thicker than possible in it's location. The on-line schematic has the old durometer numbers but the right sizes. Numbers below correspond to the online schematic.

13) 10.0 x 1.5 NBR90 inside Regulator hole at bottom of threads

18) 7.5 x 2 NBR70 Regulator Body

20) 4.0 x 1.5 NBR90 End of Piston

23) 4.0 x 1.5 NBR90 Inside Regulator Body

25) 2.0 x 1.0 NBR90 (2x) Adjustment Screw, suggestion heat in boiling water slip on first one, then second one, or if you have a witches hat it’s easier. And no, heating them doesn't mess them up, they return to shape.

I lubricate the o-rings with Mobil 1, my personal thing, if it slide or moves it gets lubed.

I get o-rings from McMaster, O-rings and more, Global 0-ring, and others,cheaper in bulk, and they generally tell you when they were made, they do have a shelf life.

Also, if you want more pressure you can go with thicker/heavier Belleville's. I've got the numbers for that too.

Here is what I found with the stacks, I've matched them as closely as possible, number are the average thickness at the edge of the washer.

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It is a new unit. Kind of disappointed that I even bought this. I went back and forth with myself for 2 weeks before I pulled the trigger (pun intended) you have helped a lot. How hard is it to get the first (#1) reg out? Or at least get to, the adjustment is under the bottom picatinny rail.
Thanks, Rob
Where did you buy it ? Can you return it ? If so I would. You shouldn’t have to tear into a new gun. However if you can’t return it you can also contact Utah air or cape fear airguns and you should be able to just get a whole new reg. I know this sucks but the Maverick is a great gun and while I have never had an air force I can’t imagine when working properly the Maverick not being about 1000000000 x better shooting experience than a condor.
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It is a new unit. Kind of disappointed that I even bought this. I went back and forth with myself for 2 weeks before I pulled the trigger (pun intended) you have helped a lot. How hard is it to get the first (#1) reg out? Or at least get to, the adjustment is under the bottom picatinny rail.
Thanks, Rob
Oh taking it out is easy. My 'new' Mav. had a bad o-ring in #1 right from the gitgo, there are a ton of videos on YouTube on removing the regs. As you are under warranty, they'll send you the parts, which of course you shouldn't need but.....It's a 30 minute job and you'll know the reg is right if you do it yourself. I'm betting on the piston personally, next up would be the Bellevilles, but good possibility is an o-ring, most likely the first one on the adjuster. You don't give what state/country you live in.

Removing the reg is easy, take out the adjuster screw, take out the housing, way down deep are the Bellevilles and the piston, and...burried where you can't see it is a ^%$# o-ring, loads of fun to get out and back in, but right now that's not your issue. There is a schematic on the FX website for the Maverick, of course it leaves out that there are TWO regulators, cute.

It sounds like your regulators have the pistons that are too long. If your adjustment screw is flush and you can't get enough pressure it's most likely the pistons length. Contact FX and they should send you the proper length.
Which is what I showed up above. Utah Air guns can send him some new ones, that happened to the like the ones on the right. The 'plastic' is just a few thousands of an inch above the brass My guess is about .003, I"d measure but I'm too lazy.
I'm going to dig into it. I'm a mechanic by trade so I capable, nothing beats experience so I'm asking you all. All the help/advice is really appreciated! I'm in Massachusetts by the way.

When I did the repair to my Maverick I didn't have any oring lube. I ended up using silicone RC shock oil . Next time I drain the air I will give the regs a proper lube . Use the correct lube . It's an easy fix and the Mav is easy to work on. Make sure you have a full understanding before starting.
When I did the repair to my Maverick I didn't have any oring lube. I ended up using silicone RC shock oil . Next time I drain the air I will give the regs a proper lube . Use the correct lube . It's an easy fix and the Mav is easy to work on. Make sure you have a full understanding before starting.
I have o ring lube👍
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So after talking to customer service at airgun depot (very good customer service). I was told I could send it back for a refund or repair. Typically they do not send parts, sounds like the reason for that is they can't get parts. Then proceeded to tell me to look up fx usa law suit (all the homework I did before I bought this never saw anything about it). So now I'm thinking if a dealer can't even get parts for it and I can't get parts for it, why would I want any guns from FX? On the other hand I really wanted this gun. What other brands would you all consider?
So after talking to customer service at airgun depot (very good customer service). I was told I could send it back for a refund or repair. Typically they do not send parts, sounds like the reason for that is they can't get parts. Then proceeded to tell me to look up fx usa law suit (all the homework I did before I bought this never saw anything about it). So now I'm thinking if a dealer can't even get parts for it and I can't get parts for it, why would I want any guns from FX? On the other hand I really wanted this gun. What other brands would you all consider?
Utah Air Guns is the official FX place in the states, you have a warranty, they'll take care of it. I you feel more comfortable having your dealer repair the gun go for it. The regs are a smidge frustrating but with practice and the right tools they aren't that bad. I took my Mav. .22 compact out and ...oh darn the #1 reg took a dump, I'll pop it apart tomorrow, I think the piston is toast, only getting 135 bar out of it, I've got spares and I don't remember which one is in it the old plastic or the newer style.
Why? It's just a bummed o-ring, it happens, Mav.s are good guns, just because someone messed up during assembly doesn't mean it's a bad gun, I've spent a heck of a lot more on a gun that had a bad reg, it happens.
Not saying they aren’t I own one. I wouldn’t tear into a reg on a brand
So after talking to customer service at airgun depot (very good customer service). I was told I could send it back for a refund or repair. Typically they do not send parts, sounds like the reason for that is they can't get parts. Then proceeded to tell me to look up fx usa law suit (all the homework I did before I bought this never saw anything about it). So now I'm thinking if a dealer can't even get parts for it and I can't get parts for it, why would I want any guns from FX? On the other hand I really wanted this gun. What other brands would you all consider?
That isn’t correct. You can get any part you need from Utah airguns or cape fear airguns on the east coast.