Fx maverick

Hi all,

I currently own an FX Maverick Sniper .22 with a slug kit. I had the gun set up with 36g slugs, and it was shooting at 960 fps with the first regulator set at 180 bar and the second regulator at 150 bar, with the hammer set to 7. I experienced a slug jam right at the end of the barrel. After struggling to remove the slugs, the gun's fps dropped to 920 fps. I am currently shooting 30g slugs, but I can't get the gun to shoot higher than 960 fps, even after I increased the second regulator to 170 bar. Any advice? Thanks!
Това е ФХ приятел, свиква се понякога да се случи нещо нелогично. Имам тази играчка , но в момента съм с цев Алфа Пресижън. Отделете повече време за настройка на регулатор втори и ударник, проверете дали пружината на ударника да не се е отчупило парченце от нея, ако сте с пружина на Хума, те имат навика да правите номера, 3 пъти съм чупил такава пружина. някои отчупени парченца от пружината застават в стената между ударник и рисивър, това прави затруднено свободното движение на ударника, и оттам спад в скоростта. Надявам се да помогна с нещо. Ето и едно готино видео от уикенда миналата седмица :

Hi all,

I currently own an FX Maverick Sniper .22 with a slug kit. I had the gun set up with 36g slugs, and it was shooting at 960 fps with the first regulator set at 180 bar and the second regulator at 150 bar, with the hammer set to 7. I experienced a slug jam right at the end of the barrel. After struggling to remove the slugs, the gun's fps dropped to 920 fps. I am currently shooting 30g slugs, but I can't get the gun to shoot higher than 960 fps, even after I increased the second regulator to 170 bar. Any advice? Thanks!
How did you remove the slug? Thinking you lost a 0-ring or something got loose and you have bit of a leak or.....the liner got hosed....hope not.
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Hi all,

I currently own an FX Maverick Sniper .22 with a slug kit. I had the gun set up with 36g slugs, and it was shooting at 960 fps with the first regulator set at 180 bar and the second regulator at 150 bar, with the hammer set to 7. I experienced a slug jam right at the end of the barrel. After struggling to remove the slugs, the gun's fps dropped to 920 fps. I am currently shooting 30g slugs, but I can't get the gun to shoot higher than 960 fps, even after I increased the second regulator to 170 bar. Any advice? Thanks!
Hi all,

I currently own an FX Maverick Sniper .22 with a slug kit. I had the gun set up with 36g slugs, and it was shooting at 960 fps with the first regulator set at 180 bar and the second regulator at 150 bar, with the hammer set to 7. I experienced a slug jam right at the end of the barrel. After struggling to remove the slugs, the gun's fps dropped to 920 fps. I am currently shooting 30g slugs, but I can't get the gun to shoot higher than 960 fps, even after I increased the second regulator to 170 bar. Any advice? Thanks!
Did you get the barrel indexed all the way back in didn't get oring out of place sounds to me like you didn't lose much but somewhere you're just not quite lined up?